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Yesterday I took dinner at Mrs. Wright's. The guests were: Emma Phillips, Ella Winslow, Ora Winslow, Mollie Bogue, Ora Bogue, Louie Gougill, and myself. Mary " [[Gougill]] was invited but was not there - I had a very pleasant time. Lorna is intending to "go through" Earlham sometime - I have made arrangements so that I will get to room with Louie G - am very glad.
We washed this morning - had company this evening. Haven't eaten any cloves (or coffee), tho' the temptation was very strong sometimes - 

Aug-17. Sun - It is very hot this evening. Went to church this morning. Emma wanted me to take dinner there but I had to come home and get dinner. We had water-melon for dinner. There were a lot of boys here and I had my hands full. They giggled awfully at the table.

Oh, dear! I am feeling awfully blue today, I guess,