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I felt ashamed of my poor delivery. although of [[paper overlap]] children were very dif - [[cut off]]

afterward learned [[paper overlap]]

taken from Walter's pocket. I told him he was on the road to ruin; he said he "wasn't on the road tho', he went on the side-walk." What on earth will he ever come to? He told a whole pack of lies about it all. I expect I used to be just as bad though, and  look how I have come out! My! 

Ira and I were talking this evening, as we washed the supper dishes, about the good old times when we were youngsters. How we used to count our fingers off with the "Wise, fries, limber lock, Three geese in our flock." etc - how the "extra" would stand on the steps and go through a rigmarole of questions until at last carried home on his choice from a bear to a bird; how we played "Froggin in the meadow", "Toadie, Toadie, how is thee?", and "Pussy wants a corner", "Don't you remember" 

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