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like the great painters do, to draw, to design, to sketch, to mould in clay, to sculpture! Oh, I will learn about the old masters! how it was that they succeeded! how I shall succeed - ! Can it?, now, can it be real that I am going to all this tomorrow! My trunk is packed, in there in the dining-room. But something will surely happen - My clothes may catch fire, something may happen to the money,- oh there are a thousand ways to hinder! Providence help me! I might have been there now, just think, some the girls are there tonight, in their rooms. I am at home, Louie thought she had to go to a wedding. - 'fraid she didn't get to as it's rained all day. Ma gave me a Bible today. I appreciate it, I always have wanted one. With as bright hopes as possible for the morrow, I will go to bed, tired and sleepy. It seems strange that people so bad as I am get such sweet sleep. Oh, that I were good!