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— Earlham College — Sept. 11. 1890 - Thurs. A thousand apologies, Journal mine, for loading you with Earlham trash, but I could not get the kind of book I wanted for a Journal, and I thought I just must write some (don't know how I ever did without a Journal). Well, well! here we are in our little bed-room, grumbling because it isn't so nice as we wanted - Louie and I - wishing for tomorrow when we can put down the carpet, and fix our study-room - discussing Miss Harris's lecture of this evening - talking about the "College yell." - laughing over the suppers - dreading tomorrow's hash - etc - I cried when I left home. Kissed Mark good-bye as he lay asleep in his cradle - kissed Myra good-bye, the last one - they two won't be at home when I return.