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Thursday, Jan 14th 1886.

Maggie and I hurried pretty fast this morning to get to school in time. We had fun today to [[too]]. At noon when we were all playing out in the yard, and Linnie Overman was just coming back from dinner, she walked strait [[straight]] out to where we were playing and handed Pearl Hasting some Hickery nuts and candy, and dident [[didn't]] offer any body else any, Maggie and I got mad. Pearl cried and we made up with her, but we were mad at Linnie. This evening when we were coming home from school, Pearl put her books in my dinner-basket to carry, and we both forgot them. And I broght [[brought]] them on home. I made her a picture and put in side it. I dident [[didn't]] go to bed till ten tonight.

[[left margin]] Ma visited the school today. [[/left margin]]