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[[Crasau/Crasan]], Nixon Winslow and Cyntha. Myrtle Carter came home with me from church, We popped corn. She was aiming to go home this evening when we went to church but there dident [[didn't]] none of us go, so she staid [[stayed]] till morning. 

Thana went home this evening but Aunt Celia staid [[stayed]].

Monday, Febuary [[sic]] 1st '86

Myrtle and I went to school today. Linnie H. is my pardener [[partner]] now. Purlie is Linnie O.'s pardener [[partner]]. We went down to the Childrens meeting at noon, or it was anounced [[announced]] that way, but when we had missed our dinner and got down there, they wouldent [[wouldn't]] have it. Mira and Emma went to Marion today, Elmira to see Seta, - who is sick [[margin]] who I will not try to [[nana?]] over [[/margin]] - and Emma to get her picture taken. We had several visitors today.

Transcription Notes:
RE: Thana/Shana Question SEE MY NOTE ON PAGE 17 - there are multiple examples of capital T and S on p.17 to settle the question that it is 'Thana'