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Monday, March 1, 1886.

I went to school, Calvin had a notion to start today, but dident [[didn't]]. I took some pop corn to school. We played "surade" [[charades?]] at noon, and again at the last recess. Simmie and I sat in single seats this evening,. I had a lot of fun today. It turned warmer this evening. As I look over north tonight I see a large light, I suppose some poor persons house is burning down. It looks like it might be at Jonesborough or Marion one.

John Bogue staid [[stayed]] here tonight for the last time, he is going to Iowa.

Tuesday, March 2, 

I went to school, Calvin started to school today, and Walter visited it, this after noon. Althogh it is freezing, we call it warm weather, as it is so much warmer than