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Saturday, March, 13, 1886.

I worked most of the fore-noon, this after-noon I went to Lizzie D's to practice on our dialogue, all of the girls went. We went down to Linnie O's. I wrote my part of the dialogue, down, and learned about half of it tonight. We kept the baby while ma went to meeting.

Sunday, March, 18, 1886.

I dident [[didn't]] get to sunday school, this morning but went to meeting, I went to Hastings for dinner. Ma and pa went to uncle Roberts. After dinner; Ollie Scott, Lizzie Davis, Purlie Hasting and I came to our house, we were going to practice on our dialogue, but so many of the girls couldent [[sic]] come, that were in the dialogue, that we dident [[didn't]] do any thing but play. Ollie S. has taken my part of the dialogue. We played in the barn and one thing and another.