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Monday, March, 15, 1886.

I went to school this morning. Linnie went to the train to meet her cousin who was going to come up and stay till the last day of school, but she dident [[didn't]] come. At the last recess we went in the closet room and practised [[practiced]] our dialogues. But the bell rang before we got through with all of them. We staid [[stayed]] again after school and practised [[practiced]]. Ollie Scott and I went and got Silvie's long dresses for the girls too [[to]] put on. It was pretty late before we got home. I wore my little red coat to school. We had to keep the baby tonight. It rained this evening.

Tuesday, March 16, 1886.

I went to school. It was a little cool this morning but is considerable warmer this evening. Maggie Hollingsworth came to school this evening, she had been going to the country school. We said our dialogues this evening, just