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We are nearing Harrisburg Pa. did not change at Pittsburg, but did at Columbus. 
I have found some sociable ladies. One is a little lady from Nebraska. She is going to Baltimore to her old house. Her husband is a Prof. in the State University at Lincoln. I first noticed her when she was helping some women with their little children. The other lady is also going to Balt. We all go the same road, so can help each other. We have been passing thro’ some lovely s - (a tunnel black as any night cut that word short.) scenery.
Here is a [[strikethrough]] little [[/strikethrough]] stream with the angriest sort of little waves and yonder are the mountains. Went through Pittsburg at three o’clock A.M. It was a magnificent sight. We passed along by the side of the river. Away to our left the city lights rose in tiers; and dotted over the hills, they [[strikethrough]] looked [[/strikethrough]]  seemed to be hanging in the sky - now and then we passed by the furnaces, whose red light glared in the blackness. 

We are now going over a bridge. We scarcely know we are going at all. They must be desperately afraid of iron. The train is about two hours behind time. But it is surely a different road from the one Myra thought I would come out. I will reach Washington, if naught haps at about four oclock this evening. They