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Fish Commission. I looked down upon this network of ponds and thought how very like child's play they looked. It was nice to imagine we were gazing upon fairy land. The street cars herdils, and carriages, drawn by the horses and mules were the tiny chariots drawn by mice. The houses appearing so little and toy-like, were the castles for the fairies who moved abound everywhere. Here was our crossing a bridge here they were walking the streets, here they clustered in the parks, and they seemed so small that they would make a fairy story seem exaggerated. I found a sprig of grassed and picked it up to bring home as a souvenir. Myra caught the fever and began looking around. I told her about a brown I had seen in a dark corner. I had thought of getting a straw but was afraid someone would see me. Away she went to get one. She had just gone when with horror I saw the elevator door open - I ran for her. I came in collision with several persons. I finally bumped against he. We hustled into the car and were doomed to stand up. Mark sat on a lady's lap, and went to sleep. We had to carry him to the street car asleep Just as the elevator reached the floor an old man fainted over. [[strikethrough]] W [[/strikethough]] We had a great deal of fun over our prolonged stay