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stars - you see them and then you don't. 

"Does Flinn still stay with the other girl? Now 'fess up. if there are any moon-light walks, or any other kind, for that matter, over to "wild-rose farms." to tell the truth, I have no inclination to see the Strange fellow. I think it was to strange an affection. "In your rides over to [[? Wils ]] please look out for Everette Troash. Do you remember? lukewarm correspondence. "Good-night." now you know. Ha ha. Bravo for you in your mule-riding. I am crazy to ride something. 
.... "You may follow your watcher's advice if you will but your last letter was a jolly good 'un." 

p.s. I think it's sad about the beaux don't you? This poor little figure you find en-closed represents your friend in the streets of the great city searching for a - 
"Someone to love me." 
To Ira from Olive(r).  
[another way is] "My dear Ivy-leaf. and "From your Olive-branch.

Apr. 26 Sunday
Myra and I have just finished the dishes. Also some lively chats about various things: home-folks; big folks; prospective trips to [[? Wm Fenore ]]; John J.Ingalls, and his strange conversion to the Farrowers  Alliance; the rediculous style of trailing dresses for the dirty streets. etc. etc.

Miss Worcester just passed in a carriage and waved to