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license for marriage. It seems so very queer. Clint is nothing but a boy. Why I had
lots of fum with him this winter and never dreamed that he was a man ready to start 
on the matrimonial expedition.

And Cora used to be a confidential freind of mine in the balmy days when we went to school at the old tumble down "public-school". I well remember that she was my first seat-mate It was out at Back Creek school house. Not quite seven I started out
on my career with my heart beating high with ambitions and my head full of wonder.

Emma was my guardian angel and she soon put
me in a seat with Cora. It was all for the furtherance of her own interests however. A place with Nora, Cora's big sister was what
she asked the teacher for.

Also we noticed the names of Tilman Cox and Cora Doherty.

Monday Apr. 27 
Just been writing to Cora. The afternoons of last week and the week before were worried through in trying to make a study of Myra.

Saturday with much care did I transfer the result of my work over to the studio for Miss Minnigerode's criticism. I expected Myra over at 11.30 to sit for it.

The girls were perfectly delighted. Without doubt it was the best I had done. Miss Byrne said it was very artistic They wanted me to join the life-class.