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He is also just out of the cornfield, You almost fancy sometimes you can see the hay seed on his coat.

Clegget is a young crank, who knows a great deal. When I entered the store, Nash, Clegget and myself form a triangle. There is an awkward interval in which each corner of the triangle glances at each other corner. No telling how long the silence might continue. They both tried to wait on the same customers at once, and leave another customer in the cold. The first time I traded with Mr. Shacklett he asked me – "Where I was from, – the country?"

I have been on figures social time?. Finished Venus in less than a week. The girls raved over her. Mr. Andrew said, "Yes! Yes! that's like it! That's like it!"

Began Apollo Belvedere Sat. and oh but he is hard.

Mr. Andrews handed me the card this morning for entering next year. It seems pretty hard that I can't come back. I want to go to school next year, without interruption. Then in 2 or 3 years from now, probably come back here. Edgar has been sick a great deal lately, so it is doubtful if I get to finish this term. He is determined to leave Wash. I guess. Myra would like to stay. Mr. Andrews sales for Europe June 30th. Wish I could go. (Strange, passing strange!) School closes just one month from today. I have been at [[? illegible - page ripped]] just was richly laden with flowers. A beautiful effect was