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produced by covering the ground around the base with rose petels [[petals]]and words, crowns and stars laid in daises upon them. The pedestal was entirely covered with roses. We were in the old mansion of Genl. Lee. The exercises were fine. We did not know the Marine Band when we heard it. We thought the music sweet all the same. We liked the oration. It was noticeable that the cheers were much stronger when the speaker refered to the conquering of the South, declared that right must rule. Confederate parties must die, etc; than when he spoken of peace, kindly feeling, all hatred dead, etc. In the latter cases the applause was painfully scarce. I do not think it true in the least 

that hatred has fled, good feelings established.

We walked home and enjoyed it immensely. I mean we walked to the nearest car. The two miles seemed very short. We gathered ferns and daisies. By taking a path that ran away from the road, we wandered through woods and thickets; over little streams which rippled over the rocks, and over hills thickly studded with daises. Now we would be almost running down a hill, the path trodden just enough to give us a way, not clear from rocks and moss and overhanging branches that brushed in over faces, and flowers and ferns that nodded across out pathway. Now we would