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I am the latest arrival who exhibited. Saw every so many of the girls. Miss Grigsby had her usual cheery little word for me. Miss Bukey will send my 2" sketch-book to me. I was afraid I should not get it. Myra was right well pleased with the Exhib. She just now read an article in "The Star" about it and in giving honorable mention to students in charcoal gave "Olive Birch-" Now I think it's mean! I know I wrote my name better than that. People are always twisting my name. I am Miss Rusk yet with some of the girls at school. Juliet Thompson was the happy winner of the gold medal. Daisy King received the honorable mention. Miss Schmidt goes to Germany this fall to study. In coming back I bought some very nice views of Wash. to take home, also some canvas to use in my business this summer - if I am not so dreadfully busy as to neglect it. And I bought a book for Calvin. J. W. Howell's "Boy's Town." I felt perfectly ashamed myself to think that I did not send him something to be given at the commencement; but to be truthful, I actually did not think of it. I think it shows to a remarkable degree my remarkable forgetfulness. But it is too late now. The commencement is over. Hope he was honored with with presents enough anyway. Think this book will please him.
Yesterday morning, after much deliberation, I started myself off to Quaker meeting