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I found a nice little company there. After meeting I stayed to the Bible-class. Some one handed me a bible. I hoped that for pity's sake the Book in which the lesson was found was [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] a familiar one. Sure enough it was Isaiah and I turned straight to it.
After [[strikethrough]] church [[/strikethrough]] school I spoke to those with whom I was acquainted, and [[?]] whom do you think? - Mr. Test. The vary fellow that my teacher, Alise Test, wished me to become acquainted with. He is her cousin and is in the Smithsonian. I find him to be a handsome, jolly fellow. It did not take many explanations for us to learn that we had many mutual friends and relations. We were so glad to have met. Someone said it was at the eleventh hour. Sorry learn of my going away so soon, he wished to call in the evening - As he did with a Mr. Eastman. Myra came in to "help me out," and we had a very pleasant time indeed. I thought I never could meet him in this big city - but there I found him - at church, where I ought to have been long before.
Perhaps if I come back here next winter I shall have a friend. As it is, I go away with merely acquaintances, to tell the fact.
Miss Worcester called soon after the gentlemen left. Goodbye - Olive Rush.