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October 28

Dear folks,

1500 calories a day -- seems to me Georgette and I were trying about that, tho' she was nearer 1400.  If you know scientifically what you are doing, you can bear the situation better: it was actually that which stopped my over-indulgence; we used [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] at every meal to dissect the menu.  Have fun, Dad!

Really not a speck of news.  Annabelle Handy (Evy Major, to be writer; small, perfectly formed in face & figure, & very self-sufficient) & I were composing our Comp Lit papers in the smoker all evening, with Hannah trying to study upholstery of the 19thC beside us -- but our creative impulses were irrepressible, & we kept throwing our [[strikethrough]] ideas [[/strikethrough]] sentence structures & profundities back and forth until we were both done, about midnight, [[strikethrough]] once [[/strikethrough]] & were interrupted by a fire drill.  Fun.  Just work I  have being doing,