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reverting to freshman tactics of reviewing lecture notes every day (which were very successful & procured me my A's then) plus the rest. I bought the madrigal book however - that will be my only outlet for a few weeks. I see student employment bureau next Tuesday; I want to arrange for work in Boston or Cambridge, possibly teaching in secondary, to raise money for grad school.  It will be a hard job, as so many others want to "hang around" too. But it has a very definite place in my new "plan of life." I ran into Alice Dash, my old friend of last year who's going into medicine -- very happy, she, looking for a place to live. She got a job at the psychopathic, a good, research one, [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] to earn her way. She is very sweet, tiny, & burns with intense fire: really has enormous energy despite her size, I suspect. 

Well, must dash, 
