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her aunt's room is unheated: & misses her, I guess: or the responsibility.

I heard from Mabel: she had a successful time with her date, who, having a car, took her home! She got taken to the best places & met many other students; he will ask her out again. She was very happy, you can tell Miss Colcord that she is progressing.

I had tutorial today: & Ms Garis appeared & amended my plan: so the thesis is really settled at last. I have only to follow my outline. I can begin writing soon! Which will be hard work but very stimulating: rather thoughtful & insighty than pedantic. He told me about some music reviews he was writing & about his brother: who, in visiting him last week, prevented our meeting later in week after he cancelled the Tuesday session; he also had to make a speech for [[ALT?]]-Lit department. The atmosphere is good - friendly now; [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] I am not afraid of his wise criticisms, which I begin to agree with & understand, & he is not afraid