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October 19 Dear Folks, Finances are some concern now. This week I have, & have had to spend -- $2.75 - ear drops& salve 2.-- - bike repaired 1.-- - dress cleaned 2.-- - coat cleaned (old) 1.-- - trip to Stoughton & doctor (ear) 7.20 - tickets to game for me & boys twins 3.-- - house dues 7.-- - class dues $25.90 I need $15 to cover all I haven't paid. I owe several people money for paying for these things now. $15 is enough. No, I haven't said anything to Dol about Mr. Garis. Incidentally we didn't meet yesterday as regular since his parents came suddenly to town; he said he'd call later. He could have called before, but it is typical of him not to (before I went to the office, where he had left a note). I couldn't refuse Ben last night (after one refusal), so we went to a French movie documenting the Revolution, but were home by 10. Also, tho' I acted bored all evening, I am to go to a play, "The Sea Gull!" Sat night: no harm to taking advantage of his wealth a little. He