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is very considerate. 

Almost all courses are good. In Aberle's we are studying the Hopi very fully & humanly, more than dry anthropological facts. Music is always a pleasure, tho' there's a quiz Friday. History is terribly dull. And the novel is good, the reading (I am catching up on) a real relaxation as well as sharpening of the senses towards aesthetic values therein (Guerard's slant).

Dol did write that she thought of starting school in Feb; & seemed more cheerful. I owe her a letter for some time.

Another expense you will soon note is the ear bill: the Center, after trying 2 weeks, could not get the wax plugs which almost stopped hearing out (stopped in 1 1/2 ears), so Monday & today I went to a doctor. He's got the 1/2 out, will get the [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] rest today I hope. More money tho! (the medicine) Also, I expect to have to go to a dentist before returning, as my wisdom tooth on the bottom right seems to be jamming the other teeth out of place as it comes out, & must be handled before ill effects are permanent.