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as his father, they say. A lot of European fiction. The aesthetic pt of view, a one suited to the type of book that is not especially rambling, as none of these chosen are. I've read the first assignment, "Mme Bovary", & appreciated its construction & realism among other things, so I guess the course won't be hard. Then Music I - easy but worth trying hard, a insuring many hours of pleasant listening. Tutorial finishes it, & me. Square dance last night was the real thing, & no illusions about the $ either: 84¢. But it seems worth it: and they have a cheaper 50¢ group on Sat, I think. I left early with Rya who wanted to get home by 10, so as not to lose a permission (15 first term: past 10), and because I was pretty tired after 1 1/2 hours of violent exercise. They are once a week. Finances? - I have $2, hope not to have to buy any more books. I've bought 1 for Soc. Lit. ($3), 4 for the novel. ($1: pocket bks), & enough groceries as soap, toothpaste, ink, paper, notebooks, etc. to last quite some time. However I must shoot to & from Stan-