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I got proofs for the pictures and unanimously Mrs. B, Grandma, & I chose one, tho' apart -- slightly smiling, pretty good. [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] Must take proofs back tomorrow. The trash is gone & Grandma much relieved. She did one huge job Monday: put a big patch on the baby mattress & hauled it back into the closet - tired her. I've got most all clothes in order now, a few sweaters still to wash. [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] We are having guess what for dinner today -- tripe! Mrs B is [[strikethrough]] otherwise [[/strikethrough]] somewhat worse, and she keeps it under cover, which doesn't help. But she gets along. I make the fire, if lucky (as today: I have the trick at last) she does not have the opportunity to drown it. She will be at the movies this afternoon so I shall get much work done. Dinner announces itself by the odor of frying tripe. Ah Love, Doris