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June 6, 1949

Dear folks, 

This paper is glaring, but it's most inexpensive, 65 cents a ream. I lived on the last ream (my freshman fall) till last week.

I hope your colds are all over now. Bet we were as hot as you today. The smoker is on the shaded side, the east, [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] and we kept the door open... but I guess 6 bodies and 4 large lamps had a good deal to do with the fact that it was hotter there than anywhere else. I study a lot there now, for the company.  

The history exam Sat I hadn't really prepared for more than 3/4 day, so I could have done better; the spots at the end (10%) were noted by all as far too obscure, & I missed some of them also. Hope for a B, but can't tell. He is tightening up his course, is Owens. I didn't prepare well because of discovering a reading period assignment too late & having to supervise (2 girls helped) the final typing of the paper for Gwynn.  [[strikethrough]] All tha [[/strikethrough]] Both papers were in before I had promised, Friday. Now I am studying for Wednesday; rather thoroughly, for a change. I have actually been able to study better the last week than ever before, really steadily and with no worries. 

Do you have enough light, mother, with your "Protection"?

Still see Herb every few days. He's very nice, tho' probably too old, [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] he was 29 today.  Best of all he points out my social deficiencies and suggests remedies which are really useful: basic things on posture, gestures (he has faults in both only partially overcome, but not major ones) such as the way I fall around & slump when discouraged, as if my body didn't belong, and general conformance avoiding eccentricities & unconscious impoliteness. 

I met Miss Deichmann on the street & we had a good talk over coffee. She will unfortunately probably be away when you are up for the first time. 

Love, Doris