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April 27

Dear folks,

A girl found that check of mine yesterday, I had left it in her room, Tore it [[strikethrough]] put [[/strikethrough]] up.

I have some things to send to Dolores. Barbara Sherman, whom I have mentioned before, gave them to me. They were given to her new as things to send abroad, and she believed they were in too good shape to do that to. I think Doleres wears size 32. They are a number of very nice blouses. Soon I shall send them, do not tell her.

The school is having a blood drive now, and many peopel are giving it free.

You have not yet writ me about job opportunities in the vicinity. Hope, Maria, and I have prospects of a two-month job together doing kitchen work in a girls' camp in Vt. Maria is especially eager. Hope has a really better opportunity, to be hiking companion of underprivilidged farm children. As I think it over I don't believe I should be able to teach children, the ideal would be a tutorial position at a college. For which it would be more important to study, and work at while at grad school, than seek instructorships.

Your weekend sounded very enjoyable.
