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April 9, 1949

Dear folks,

I want first to assure you that Bill has never made any improper advances to me; then to tell you that after having a talk with him [[strikethrough]] Tue [[/strikethrough]] Thursday night I have decided not to see him until I have made some other contacts with boys which assure some security in dating: that is, so I shall stop depending upon Bill.  I think those are the plain facts of the case and wish heartily that outburst to Dolores had been more sensible: at that time I was still too hopeful for him; but our last talk has faced the situation very well.  I was pleased in the honest manner in which he placed himself, and agreement was mutual that it was not wise to continue our relationship.  My last letter of indignant defense was written before that talk.  I still believe you have been unfairly critical, but of course you can hardly act otherwise when so alarmed.

I have stated my credo in many ways before, and wish you might understand.  I do not believe that sex should be avoided: I believe in its controllability.  I don't know how to convince you, but I feel I have gained a control over it through our relationship