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April 5

Dear folks,

Today it was just like D.C. : just about as hot with your clothes off as on. The train of wenders to the roof was, slackened; the sunburning done around here is pretty careful compared to high school. [[strikethrough]] & here [[/strikethrough]] On the roof you lie on a cork blanket unexposed to all eyes. Everyone has put on peasant blouses & ballet shoes. I found the blue peasant blouse to wash very well. By the way, my hair has been cut for some time. Now looks like this: quite short on sides. [[image - sketch of hairdo]] It gets washed every 3 1/2 days now, but I put a lot of grease on before washing, so it looks fine always.

Got the paper in & perhaps a B on the last ec quiz which was really prepare for for a change. That'll make only 2 B's out of 4 (2 C's); [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] maybe.-

Bad bad news: someone stole my bike when I had it where I have put it safely ever since I've been here: close to the library in the quad. The police force is alerted, I have talked personally to them in the Square & checked the filling stations & bike shop -- so it may turn up. Can you find the serial number? When I told Nancy Carroll about it she said, "Why don't you take mine?" & promptly handed me her old bike, for keeping: rusty but workable. So that no one will steal. You can insure bikes for $4 a year, leave them unlocked forever-!

Herby, again a surprise, asked me out after my Generals to the "Tempest": awfully nice of him. (Put on by Harvard Dram Soc; these are good). I guess I told you Bill called, broke & glum; I didn't act very sympathetically, told him the sight of him so sour made me extremely gleeful: good for the situation, I guess, because he didn't make his characteristic [[strikethrough]] rem [[/strikethrough]] "3.8ยข per minute" quite as soon as usual.
