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February 13

Dear folks,

We had a small fire yesterday, which might have gotten big if not for the brave extinguishing of it by a girl -- a cigarette in a trash can in the pantry. When Civie ([[upward pointing arrow, pointing to the word "girl"]]) came [[strikethrough]] shrieking [[/strikethrough]] out of the pantry saying "there's a fire!" we all thought she was joking -- Civie has an exhilerated way of talking anyway.

It's warm again, after a frigid Saturday. As usual Bill was afraid his motor wouldn't start; it very nearly didn't : but when we got to a gas station for gas we discovered we had been running on no oil for some time. We went to hear Stravinsky play Stravinsky -- he unexpectedly got tickets from a prof. Very enjoyable, tho' some seems dead-pan, & some seems tavernishly romantic; in his "better" moments he is very good. Stravinsky has a very peculiar dead-pan face.      Bill's work this term has taken him into the clinic at last; he has been performing operations on dogs. The days run from 8:30 to 6:00; he attends many voluntary lectures, especially those in psychiatry; on which he hopes to work, perhaps.

Have worked on tutorial all Sunday; the paper is almost done first draft. However it got more interesting to compare the modern version with both Chapman & Homer than the two to each other (of the Iliad).

Heard Jane got a job in NY doing research on a Far-East Commission: which sounds fascinating & unexpected. She may have to take language as she goes along.
