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April 23

1978 - Sunday - 26˚ at 6 AM - Lovely morning. Pair Canada Geese on front pond flew off by themselves - later Wes chased a pair. To 9:30 Mass. I washed front "Eagle" wall of entrance. Wes spread fertilizer on Dell. To Young's of Wilton - bought 2 Rhododendron (replacement for front Ilex) and 3 Parsons Juniper (for off-terrace tree well) Planted garlic - onions - chard - spinach - lettuce - beets and carrots. Wes transplanted Scotch pine in nursery - final this year - worked on that area - clearing brush.

1979 - Monday - 40˚ at 5:45 - Mostly clear. Four squirrels on terrace and at corn! Beautiful sunny, warm day - 72˚ at 5 pm. To 7:30 Mass. Tony Ongaro and helper here to work on steps. Old steps off, but too much concrete underneath - tried to get compressor - decided to revise plan and keep present platform. Transplanted daffodils off terrace to retirement garden. Spread chips on big garden path, planted shallots and leeks -- Wes put 2 more loads fill at new shed. Caught #39 squirrel 

1980 - Wednesday - 36˚ at 5:30 - Beautiful day - warm in afternoon - worked without sweaters. Wes had shop hour. Picked up last of Jule's wood. I went to Greenhouse to check on cucumber there - looked up Ilex glabra at Library in Hortus III - shopped Grand Union - home for lunch - nap - replanted in leaf mold some day-lilies Wes had lifted at garden gate - watered baby lettuce - brought compost to perennial garden - lot of flood & winter damage there. Made up cards for Ilex to go to GCA meeting

1981 - Thursday - 37˚ at 6 AM. Cloudy - light rain all day - no work at Bogus site - too bad as walls were to be poured. Shop hour and house chores.  I worked at St. Elizabeth Seton - they were giving lunch to Senior Citizens and a tour of church - I did the tour. To Bethel Agway for corn - Basics for groceries - bank for weekend cash. Nice rain for grass seed - very cool.

1982 - Friday - 33˚ at 6 AM - clear - sunny cool day - Put heat on for breakfast.
Watered - too bad didn't get better shower Wednesday. I went to bank - rolled over 6 months note - to Marcus for milk. John Oliver here to go over proposed planking. Bob Allen put pipe in for well water - will return next week with hydrants. Gizella gave us Pieris Japonica - planted it on south side. 
Wes made path to Bog Garden. Jack Masterson finally came to fix Solar Room - has to return with window openers

April 24 

1978 - Monday - 27˚ at 6 AM - Beautiful day - high about 60˚. To 730 Mass - we were sponsors of Denise Gioffre who made First Communion and was confirmed. I worked at Memorial Garden 9:30/11:30 with Billie Newell. Wes raked veg garden - put wood chips on paths. Men worked on dam, couldn't move old dam - had to use air hammers to break it up. Young's of Wilton delivered two Rhododendron and 3 Parsons Juniper & we planted them front of living room  & off terrace.

1979 - Tuesday - 35˚ at 5:30. Clear - Sunny beautiful day - high 73˚ in afternoon. Wes had an hour on his model first thing - I prepared material for Garden Club meeting. Planted broccoli and cabbage - watered peas, spinach and lettuce. Cantaloupe coming up in coldframe. Wes moved big stones - one at step at new shed, one at new dam wall - moved topsoil (delivered by Duff Pierce) into cantaloupe patch. I won 2 firsts at GC - Ice Follies Narcissus and small arrangement spring flowers. Ongaro here working on steps

1980 - Thursday - 36˚ at 6 AM. Fair - beautiful warm day. To Mass. Took Ilex glabra cuttings (3 plants) to Anne Tracy - walked around her place - admired blood root. She & her mother came later with ivy ring for me to care for while she is at GCA meeting. Jacobsen broke down. Cut grass with Cub Cadet and Lawnboy [[Lawn-Boy]]. Put more compost on perennial garden - broke up some phlox - set them deeper - some with Aquilegia. Wes spread 3 bags Pre Emergent Crab grass control-food on big lawn.

1981 - Friday - 47˚ at 6 AM. Foggy - mostly fair day some April showers - thunder and lightning 
Polished silver. Edged garden fence line 
Cultivated perennial garden. Dug up Gold Exbury, two Hostas, Danby Bess Heather - 3 Erythronium - took them to Bogus. Concrete man Dan Santelli was removing back hoe - last of his equipment - crawlspace walls completed Foundation looks high but otherwise OK.

1982 - Saturday - 50˚ at 6:30 Sunny warm day - in the 70's. To NYBG from 9-12 - bought rock garden - alpine plants. Put some of them in terrace wall.  Watered transplants.
Wes made wells for drainoff of water lines from well - Ready for backfill - sure is a mess.