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April 25

1978- Tuesday - 37˚ at 6am - Fair & Partly Cloudy 
Men hammering at old dam - Planted 2 rows (44) potatoes. Wes repaired stone wall at barn - fell in pond when section of wall collapsed on him. I went with Helen, Ruth Sharp as guests Billie Newell to Silver Springs Club for lunch - then to Lil Durke's Reading for Garden Club meeting - to Ruth Sharp's for cocktail - Wes joined there.

 1979 - Wednesday - 44˚ at 5:30 - Cloudy - Showers predicted but  none here. Tony Ongaro worked alone today. McGovern picked up Jacobsen. Second load of topsoil delivered by Duff Prere. To White Flower Farm to pick up Dictamnus, Peace Phlox, Birds Nest Spruce and large leaved Hosta - also bought Herbs and Dwarf Evergreen for August Garden Show. Wes dug hole for Arboretae at new shed. Cut half of big lawn with Lawnboy.

1980 - Friday - 48˚ at 5:30 - cloudy - Attempt to rescue Iranian hostages failed! Jule's moving day to Poughkeepsie. Wes packed hole at pump at little bridge - took him all day. I transplanted little plants into individual peat pots - put them in cold frame with heating tray. Planted leeks and two kinds of lettuce. Put baby Taxus and balance of Hex glabra (Hex labbra) in coldframe at new shed. Roberts delivered a [[?]] bed and new chairs - ottomans missing. Hoped for showers never came.

1981 - Saturday - 42˚ at 5:15. Trip to Philadelphia with Keeler Tavern Group. Left 8:15 - reached Warwick Hotel about noon (John & Janet White, Helen and Stanley Lewis, John & Jane Maxson, Bruce Grasso) Toured three historic houses in Fairmount Park - Cedar Grove - Woodford and Mount Pleasant. Cocktails in Maudie Davis Presidential Suite - dinner at [[?]] uptown - good fish.
(Arthur and Marge McKenna also on trip)

1982 - Sunday - 45˚ at 6:15 - Daylight Savings Time. Flicker came to suet. Sun up here at 6:34 - now directly opposite our house.
To 8 o'clock Mass - Cleaned up house - set table - preparatory to Eileen coming up with box - teak cookie jar, vase, Cauton casserole - Crucifixion silk picture to Appraisal by Phillipe - RGC project - Home at 1:30 - Eileen came there after & spent afternoon with us. Watered transplants - very dry - high in 80's - Too warm - without leaves on trees.

April 26

1978 - Wednesday. 38˚ at 6 AM - Cloudy - became mostly fair - no rain - although a lot in the South. Men finished dam except for stones in overflow and topsoil. Wes worked on stone wall below dam - cut grass across little bridge and on grass terrace - painted door of old storage shed. I transplanted most of seeds under basement lights to peat pots - to Meekers for thistle seed which I delivered to Mrs Ruth Sharp - cultivated lily of the valley bed & below wall. - back of house dogwood.

1979 - Thursday - 54˚ at 5:30. Cloudy - Rain started about eleven - stopping outdoor work. Tony Ongaro went for stone - he brought Wes 2 drain pipes - He had to quit work at 2 pm. Pat here to clean. Wes had haircut glasses fixed (new frame) bought bananas and milk, I cultivated and sprayed iris - pruned Weigela - spread fertilizer on new section of West End - flushed in rows -. Pinchbeck delivered more chips and seed potatoes. Did some hobby work in afternoon.

1980 - Saturday - 49˚ at 5:30 - Partly cloudy - became sunny until afternoon - clouds but no rain. Wes had shop hour. Spread chips on back bank. Joe Keeler here first time this year. Wes & Joe dug drainage ditch near veg shed - installed pipe. Put leaves around blueberries. Packed dirt at sink hole at dam. Rearranged stone path at barn and new  shed. We cleaned car of oil and road grit. Put fertilizer on plants. Pinchbeck made delivery.

1981 - Sunday - Philadelphia Warwick Hotel - Keeler Tavern tour. Daylight saving - 7 o'clock Mass St Patrick's Left at 10 from hotel - saw Hill -Physick-Keith House, Powell House and Mr & Mrs [[? Kivero's]] at 326 Spruce St. - quick tour of Independence Hall after lunch at City Tavern. To Cliveden (house of Benjamin Chew) Germantown. Back at Keeler Tavern 8:30 - good trip.

1982 - Monday - 54˚ at 6 AM - same temperature all day. Boo is with us - walked her. Wes went to Agway to buy chicken wire to make a run for Boo - Basics and car wash.
Cut grain first time - finished planting the N Y B G plants - put anemone and pussy willow Eileen gave us. Started raining before noon so Wes was in shop. I put creeping fig on ring - did some indoor work.