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April 27

1978 - Thursday - 45˚ at 6 AM - Cloudy and cold all day - windy. Watered all transplants. I did a wash. Wes brought stone over for barn wall. I went to MQ & Jule to pay them for bananas they buy for us. Went to dump - got rid of mailbox - old vacuum etc. Liquor store and Grand Central Market (coffee 2.49). After lunch to White Plains - Judge Robicourt re: rings. Bloomingdales for tablecloth and guest towels - Eileen's to leave purse and basil - she not home yet - home at 6 o'clock.

1979 - Friday - 57˚ at 5:45. Raining - heavy at times during night. Flooding below dam - Rain off and on all day - heavy showers but flood subsided. 
To Mass. I went to Vest Course at Cotton Patch Designs - shopped liquor, cheese shop and groceries following Home at 1 pm. Lunch - nap and sewed on vest. Wes had most of day in his shop.

1980 - Sunday - 43˚ at 6:15 Daylight Saving Time. Cloudy - rain mid-morning - continued all afternoon & evening off & on - good for our transplants. To 8 o'clock Mass. Made garden plan - Wes balanced books. To Varga's at 12:30 - cocktail - they took us to dinner at Hopkins Inn, Lake Waramaug - back to their house for a brandy. Home at 6:45 - made wire forms for flowerpot trees - don't think they will work.

1981 - Monday - 44˚ at 6:30 - Cloudy - became fair beautiful day - Home from Philadelphia. 
Checked on plants - moved cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower to coldframe. Had lunch with Gene Eller and Millicent Sattler - Gene wanted advice on planting her garden. Wes cut big lawn - I cut around garden - did trimming over big bridge. To Bogus - Wes dug hole for crab tree - talked to Mike and Howard - back fill expected but didn't arrive.

1982 - Tuesday - 54˚ at 6 AM. Cloudy - rains supposed to continue - didn't until night - some clouds and sunshine - warm. To Mass. Chased 5 deer from bog garden - walked down Bogus admired [[Hepadien??]] & Dutchman's Breeches. Early lunch. Picked up Helen and went to Garden Club meeting at Ceil Ruggles  - won first for lettuce in Class III. Home at 5 - fed Boo - took her to Ruth Sharp's at 5:30.

April 28

1978 - Friday - 43˚ at 6 AM. Clear, windy - dry. Wes finished the barn wall. Nathan Gellotti delivered 2 loads topsoil for dam area repair and Wes started spreading that. I watered transplants and covered most of them with pine needles. I cut grass below and around barn; trimmed juniper at bench Moraine - "rescued" stones from inlet (need lots for dam overflow) watered the grass in back. Moved plants from coldframe indoors for weekend.

1979 - Saturday - 48˚ at 5:30. Clearing. Watched fog come down Pine Mt. at breakfasttime. To 7:30 Mass. Clear morning - clouded up at noon and rain at 3 o'clock. There was 3 inches of rain in guage [[gauge]] - veg garden so wet we entered only to pick first asparagus. Tony Ongaro finished stone steps & at entrance. Spread chips on back evergreen bank - mowed across little bridge below barn and big lawn. MQ and Jule here for dinner at 5. Lots of daffodils and tulips out. Caught #40 squirrel before Mass.

1980 - Monday - 46˚ at 6 AM. Raining - lightly - all day - at 10 AM 3/4 inch.
Wes balanced books. I did wash - cleaned house (lightly). To bank. Marcus - groceries at Stop & Shop - Ridgefield Savings Bank to turn over Deene Savings Bank six months Certificate - new interest 11.892. Wes had shop hour. I prepared for workshop tomorrow - stripped breezeway. Mixed soil. Met Louis McKeon at St. Elizabeth Seton's to discuss where to plant our evergreen. Made muffins & cake.

1981 - Tuesday - 44˚ at 6 AM - Mostly fair - light shower mid-afternoon. To Mass. I dug beebalm for Gene Eller - left that at her house - picked up Carole Stoddard - to Elises luncheon for Anne Tracy - Ricky Harrison, Elizabeth Hull - on to Garden Club meeting at Lee Dickinsons. Took third for Frittilaria Meleagris - home for Wes - to Bogus - planted the Frittilaria - backfill material had been delivered.

1982 - Wednesday - 40˚ at 6:15 - Light rain stopped at noon - sun by late afternoon 
Indoor chores in morning. After lunch, Wes worked on filling ditch (well water). I dug up Aquilegia & one daylily and planted them in perennial garden - mixing in leaf mold. Put a Siberian Iris in Bog and moved a fern from there to rough bank at end of septic system. Pat Harland and bulldozer here at 4 pm - pushed dirt back into water ditch - a mess. Boo with us.