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April 29

1979 - Saturday - 30˚ at 5:45 - rose rapidly when sun hit it. Beautiful morning: closed up house (water off, windows locked etc) left at 7:45 for Keeler Tavern bus at 8:30 for Winterthur - arrived 12:30 - toured museum and walked around gardens - checked into Longwood Inn in Kennett Square - cocktails at Mr & Mrs Joseph Davis' home (former Ridgefield residents - she Keeler hostess) dinner at Longwood Inn - Daylight Savings time change  very interesting day - weather was beautiful.

1979 - Sunday. 50˚ at 6 AM - DLST. Clearing - Beautiful day - another 1/2 inch in rain gauge. To 8 o'clock Mass at St. Peter's - going there on Saturdays to avoid the noise and confusion at St Elizabeth Seton. Wes and I worked at Ballard Memorial Garden before lunch - Cut back grass. Spread another bag of wood chips at back bank. Transplanted rest of strawberries in veg garden. Sprayed weeping Hemlock with Malathion Caught #41 squirrel and a chipmunk.

1980 - Tuesday - 42˚ at 6 AM - Cloudy - To Mass. 1.15 inches rain in gauge at 9 AM. Light sprinkles rest of day. Workshop on Ivy Wreath 9-11 - Six members Mesdame]] Ross, Franklin - Strait - Swenson - Leeman and Durkee. Ricky taught. After lunch and nap - to Caldors to buy Air Rifle -going to chase cats - door mirror, work gloves. 
Reduced to 2 bird feeders - no suet - Lots of house finches and Goldfinches around.

1981 - Wednesday - 44˚ at 6 AM. Foggy. Thunder storm during night 4/10 inch. Off and on cloudy. Light rain in early afternoon. I shopped Basics Wes took 4 Crabs and 2 Fir to Bogus and planted them. After lunch to Pat Crehan to discuss contract with Mike Mannion on house - office of Freeman's to loan us $100,000 instead of Village Bank. Sandy Couser picked up three plants grown for G.C. annual meeting. To Bogus to water - more backfill had been delivered.

1982 - Thursday - 38˚ at 6:30. Fair. Walked Boo up road. No Mass as I left at 8:20 - picked up Carol Wilson on Spring Valley Road - saw lot of Dutchmans Breeches - to Keeler Tavern - bus to Met Museum at 9 AM - tour of Costumes of 18th Century Women Thru Rockefeller Wing and American Wing - lunch in cafeteria - back to Ridgefield at 5:20 took Trudie Ganz home. Wes had cared for Boo and filled more of water trench. Split wood.
Settlement offer of $962 made by Ins. Co. on car damage

April 30

1978 - Sunday - (spent good night at Longwood Inn)
8 o'clock Mass at St Patrick's in Kennett Square - To Chadds Ford Brandywine Museum - tour by good guide Mrs Gregory - lunch at Pavilion, Winterthur - to Hagley Museum - wonderful tour of Hagley and Eleutherean Mill and residence - Left for home at 4 o'clock - at Keeler Tavern 7:45 pm - only 15 minutes late. Wonderful weekend trip. Met John & Janet White - John & Jane Maxson.

1979 - Monday - 38˚ at 6 AM - Clear -Perfectly beautiful day. To 7:30 Mass. I went to Ballard Greenhouse - worked there and transplanted in "Long Garden" - bought [[?] garden supplies at Young's and groceries at Grand Union following. Wes had transplanted final Juniper to bench Moraine - broke drain pipe at Maple well in moving the Juniper there - replaced two lengths. I cut part of big lawn and prepared seed potatoes with captan - put them in sun. Wes put big sprayer in service.
I to 8 pm meeting McKeon's on Garden Tour July 25th.

1980 - Wednesday - 46˚ at 6 AM - cloudy - cleared in afternoon - ate first asparagus - took some to Jule.
Wes had shop hour. We left at eleven for Poughkeepsie to work out map to Jule Lane's new apartment & phoned her back but no answer but she was there when we arrived. Had our picnic lunch. Jule not yet all unpacked - has too much furniture. Wes added some peat to patch where big hemlock was cut down. Billie Newell here to look at ivy wreath - had a drink with us.

1981 - Thursday - 45˚ at 6 AM - Fair - Saw Rose Breasted Grosbeak and mate on terrace. I went to 10 o'clock meeting at Bobbie Longmire's house on Village Planting. We made beds for [[?]] - cleaned house, etc. Bet and Mike arrived 3 o'clock.
Wes arranged for insurance on Bogus House with Frank Tracy

1982 - Friday - 38˚ at 6 AM - Fair - Walked Boo - planted Cimicifuga, Salvia and Scabiosa in perennial garden. Left at 10 AM for bank and Atchley Appointments with Dr Puchner - Wes to go back next Friday for Xray - Dr Jacobs and Dr Lippert - no problems - had blood taken for tests. Ate lunch along Broadway accompanied by Puerto Rican music (?) Home at 5:30 - watered tomato plants in solarium - early to bed. Took Boo home to Eileen's enroute NYC. She had been a good dog.

[[note from digital volunteer]] captan is a fungicide [[/note from digital volunteer]].