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May 5
1978 - Friday - 38˚ at 5:45. Raining! 1.05 inches. Electricity off at 5:55 AM - luckily we had hot breakfast made. off for 8 minutes. Alex & Helen late for Mass as they were unaware of stoppage. Shopped in Bethel - Agway for thistle seed - their last 19 lbs @1.39 - for Ruth Sharp - Market for groceries. With Alex went to lunch at Ninas - just a lunch counter - drove down Bridal Trail & Benson Road look at houses - Wes worked in shop - I made Raisin Bread and coffee cake. (Cold & light rain all day.)

1979 - Saturday - 44˚ at 5:30. No rain - beautiful day with a very cool breeze. To 7:30 Mass.  
To Yellow Monkey - Wes admired shops there. To Eileen's left her glasses;  picked up basket, sneakers, bread, etc. and had lunch with her. To Altman's to buy birthday presents for Mary & Eileen (Waterford) Home at 4 pm - drove both ways on Route 22 - new car did well - enjoyed driving it - Wes used Jacobsen first time - big lawn & little bridge

1980 - Monday - 46˚ at 6 AM. Fair, warm. Thunder in late afternoon & wind - but no rain.
Had Ivy Workshop - Billie Newell - Patty Stechroth, Bobbie Longmire, Margie Kelley and Hawsie Nash - made an extra wreath Ricky brought us marigold, blue salvia, lavender & marjorum [[marjoram]] - Gave her asparagus, Ilex glabra, dil & strawberries. Wes finished spreading sandy fill - had 9 yards topsoil delivered by David Price. Cut grass terrace & behind veg garden. Watered all vegetables and transplanted evergreens (7)

1981 - Tuesday - 52˚ at 6 AM - Cloudy - became fair and quite warm and breezy. To Mass. To Pat Crehan's office for 10 o'clock appointment - received mortgage check of $100,000 - put it in 30 day note at 16 3/4% - will pay May bills with own funds.
Wes watered new seedings of grass - not coming up well. I watered veg garden. To Bogus to water transplants there. Wes put ad in Pennysaver for sprayer and pump. Concrete slabs poured at Bogus. 

1982 - Wednesday - 38˚ at 6:30 - Fair - Did wash early. Played golf 8:30/10:30. Walked to Hemlock Hills to see Marsh marigolds. Cut out brush to top nursery bed. Wes put on some screens - opened bathroom sky light - Mike fixed Solarium flashing. Watered garden.

May 6
1978 - Saturday - 40˚ at 5:45 - Cloudy - Rose Breasted Grosbeak at the feeder - glad we left one out! Right on time. Wes fixed iron channel for back dam. I finished transplanting all seeds under  lights. Peter Pan Zinnias look bad - put them in coldframe too soon because nights are below 40˚. I split strawberries - what a job! Picked our first asparagus. Tied arborvitae across big bridge Wes made another path in bog garden

1979 - Sunday - 44˚ at 6 AM - cloudy - cleared mid-morning - beautiful day. 70˚ in afternoon. To 8 AM Mass at St Peters. Wes balanced books - I cut out cotton blouse. Wes worked at front terrace steps - cutting out sod - placing it in bare area near lamp post. I cut grass across big bridge - watered veg. garden - put cages around come daylilies and peonies - saw red trillium across big bridge - picked asparagus - put more little plants in coldframe - Pair Canada Geese landed for little while at cocktail time

1980 - Tuesday - 44˚ at 6 AM - Fair - To Mass. Quite a warm day - high 85˚ - thunder and some rain showers in late afternoon.
Wes spread topsoil for raspberries and planted all 9 plants just before rain.
Armand and Jerry came to start taking evergreen trees we are donating to church - took 4 spruce - 3 Scotch still to go. I watered & rearranged plants preparing for trip tomorrow.

1981 - Wednesday - 45˚ at 6:30. Water softener started at 6:30 AM! Just had  enough water in kettle for coffee. We cleaned gutters. I planted second row of beets and a few Swiss chard. After lunch we started cleaning the old brush in the north Hollow - it can be seen from front door - threw it over cliff to north. Herb Dienst died yesterday.

1982 - Thursday - 39˚ at 6 AM - Fair Fog over pond Some cloudiness during day - looked like rain but none - we'd like some. To Mass. I worked at Ballard 9-12 - shopping Grand Union first. Washed pots only. Bob Allen worked on pump and line - didn't finish as needed more pipe to place tank where would fit in crawl space and has to lower hydrants. Wes called Howard re electric work - will do that next week. Planted W77 3 white [[?]] and 12 Epimedium - The latter on knoll.