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May 21

1978 - Sunday - 70º at 9 AM. Light shower during early morning - clearing - became beautiful day with strong wind. We rushed about doing chores for meeting Tuesday  Eileen came before noon and then we really worked - planting ageratum - impatiens in big pots - Eileen brought from Nielson's beautiful potted begonias and geraniums, etc.. she had planted. Planted lettuce (Romaine) in garden - picked asparagus. Eileen here until 8 pm. 

1979 - Monday - 60º at 6 AM - Foggy - 15 Mallard  They are gathering! To 7:30 Mass. Met Louise McKeon & Terry Keller at 9:30 to go over landscaping for church. - Billie here to show plan for Memorial Garden - Planted Salvia at Retirement Garden. Wes moved load topsoil to new shed. Planted 3 eggplants, 11 Romaine, 3 hill cucumbers (Eileen from Nielsen's) Cut grass - big mower broke - finished with Cadet & Lawnboy.

1980 - Wednesday - 52˚ at 6 AM - light rain - we need it - 9 male Mallards. Prepared breezeway for Ivy Wreath Workshop - last one. Vera - Lee - Dolly - Terry here at 9 - Ricky left at 12. Rained all morning - 3/4 inch. Shopped Agway for Corn, sunflower seed and Impatiens and begonias after lunch and nap.
Picked asparagus. Put breezeway furniture back.

1981 - Thursday - 35˚ at 5:45. Fair. Sun on white crab at its peak - others fading - Sunny & warm day. To Mass. We voted against road broadening and budget - left traps and pots at Greenhouse - left Insurance form at Cornell - clothes at Salvation Army. shopped Brunetti - liquor - Stop & Shop. Ricky Harrison brought coneflowers, eggplant & Marjoram. Gave her iris and strawberries - showed her Bogus site. Wes & I worked clearing brush below [[strikethrough]] wall [[/strikethrough]] cliff - watered transplants at Bogus.

1982 - Friday - 58˚ at 6:30. Beautiful morning cloudy afternoon - thought it would rain but no!
Played golf 8-10 - first out
Wes cut our grass on south side - shaped end of lawn. I cut the grass late in day. Went with Terry Keller to Amber Room - Danbury Garden Club had Chris Gifton of Met. Museum of Art make arrangements - beautiful.
Saw female Oriole.

May 22

1978 - Monday - 47˚ at 5:45. To Mass. Anne Tracy here at 9:30 to set up for Garden Club meeting tomorrow - Wes picked up chairs from Taylor Rental (30 chairs) Set table with Anne's silver - china - discovered one saucer missing of Mrs. Patterson's Crown Denby. Set 27 rented chairs in living room - total seating places 40. After lunch did various chores about. Hanging fuschia "Swing Time" & Streptocarpus doing well. Louise brought flowers for table.

1979  - Tuesday - 48˚ at 5:45 - Clear -
Wes worked on road and West End lawn. I cultivated perennial garden - did housework  for Garden Club meeting tomorrow. Luncheon as guest of Louise Willets at Elms at noon. Meeting at Ruth Sharp's. Eileen here at 5:15 - Sally delayed and phoned from Lubeshop so we started dinner - Kelly here at 7:45. Eileen went home at 8:30.

1980 - Thursday - 52˚ at 5:45 - Clear - beautiful morning Chased 2 pair Canada Geese - one right after the other -
Wes had hour in shop. I planted Marigolds - all zinnia Eileen grew for us - basil - 2 tomato plants Ricky gave us. Transplanted lettuce - ate some. Wes weeded cardinal garden. Cut grass in that area. I took Sheet Moss back to Pinchbeck - bought Streptocarpus for McKeon's 45th Anniversary and "Cornflower" stained glass for us. To Mary Luke's at 5:30 for a drink.

1981 - Friday - 39˚ at 6 AM - Fair, beautiful day - warm. Shop hour. Sprayed broccoli and cabbage with BT. To Agway for corn - stopping bird feeding - Agway had no Impatiens or Begonias - After lunch to Bogus. Wes prepared nursery bed for taxus - Emerald Gaiety Euonymus and Japanese maple cuttings on North height - Water line dug loads of huge boulders - oil tank buried - septic field finished framers working - home to cut big lawn and side terrace and behind sheds. Coldframe cover propped open at night.

1982 - Saturday - 48˚at 6:30 - cloudy - very light rain developed at 4 pm - cool - good transplanting day. Moved Leatherleaf Viburnum - Euonymus - Hostas - Heathers- Wild blue phlox - Cornus Canadensis - Wind Anenome - Bleeding Hearts - Maidenhair Spleenwort - everything from top holding beds - hope they all grip as some were in bloom. Wes worked on south path - looks good. When sprinkles started I made a pumpkin pie and cooked dinner. Had a fire for dinner.