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May 27

1978 - Saturday - 62° at 6:30 - cloudy most of day - we prepared for Bit and Mike's arrival - here at noon - after lunch to tool shed herb shop - Bit bought lots of herbs - I bought 2 Lupines - Lemon Mint Veronica.

1979 - Sunday - 45° at 6 AM. Fair. Hurray - So got to see the sun coming up - Became partly cloudy - a few drops of rain but didn't stop work. Cool. To 8 o'clock Mass at St. Peter's. Worked in veg garden planting tomatoes - melons, row carrots, beets and lettuce - pepper - couple eggplants, squash. Cut across big bridge using Cadet.

1980 - Tuesday - 38° at 6 AM - too cold for our tomato and melon plants! Apparently ok.
Garden Club visit to Bartow-Pell Mansion, Pelham Bay, NY  Nice luncheon - explored gardens - Empire style furnishings.
Wes bought gas - fence post for last tomato plant which I planted on return. Used lawnboy and cut around blueberries. Continued working on truck turnaround. Mallards gathering. Beautiful evening.

1981 - Wednesday - 56° at 6 AM. Cloudy - cleared unfortunately - no rain. I shopped Basics - Valley Marble man didn't come until 3 pm to measure Bogus home for tile - so we gardened - put in Zinnia and A[?] (African Daisy) watered - covered plant from sun - cut veg lawn - below barn - across little bridge. At Bogus grading was being done - lots of fill delivered - roofing material and skylights delivered - Wes cleaned gutters. To 8 pm Mass for Ascension.

1982 - Thursday - 54° at 6 AM - Sun coming thru fog - Hot humid day - high 84°.
To Mass. Wes brought chips for compost path. Buried big stone on north wood knoll. I deadheaded big pink azalea - cultivated and watered garden. To dentist at 1:45 - cleaning for both of us and no cavities. Wes took papers and bottles to Reclamation - we shopped afterwards. To [?] Golf Range for practice.

May 28

1978 - Sunday - Beautiful day - Bit & Mike here - to 9:30 Mass. Eileen came at 11:30 - to brunch at Stonehenge - to Keeler Tavern - ride around Ridgefield - Eileen left for Lowe with her "Flamboyant Duck" - the ficus potted duck frame loaned for Garden Club Meeting - we read papers - had leeks & potato soup - poor reception for finish of Dickens

1979 - Monday - Memorial Day Celebration Federal - confusing - 54° at 5:45. No Mass - Father away. Hobbies for an hour. Wes serviced Cadet. I repotted plants that had been inside house - need to buy more shade tolerant for terrace. Wes worked on road at veg garden. I cut outside fence and below barn. Trimmed around over evergreens below barn. Rain at 3:30 - light but interrupted work. I repotted coldframe plants still in peat pots. Barn swallow is sitting. Saw Oriole and identified its call.

1980 - Wednesday - 42° at 6 AM. Felt colder than yesterday as cloudy & damp. At least 23 Mallard - one white domestic duck visits terrace and flies from there to lower brook - later in day saw the three whites and Pike. Two whites almost were locked in barn for night.
Watered perennial garden. Thinned planted wildflowers and watered them. Wes finished stripping sod from Sargent Crab - made an edging on garden side of blueberries. Made cake for day of Recollection tomorrow. Fair day.

1981 - Thursday - 63° at 6:30 - Cloudy - Hope for rain. Mike Maunion picked up $3,000 check for John Murray. Moved cucumber pots inside to protect from heavy rain expected. Left 11:45, stopped at bank - to Atchley for redo of Pap test - to Nelson's for Impatiens and Begonias - left Impatiens tower at Eileen's - home to plant big pots and window box. To Bogus - roof put on livingroom and main section of house - septic tank in and more grading done - No rain up to bedtime.

1982 - Friday - 58° at 6 AM. Cloudy - feels muggy Light rain at 3 pm - not much but we stopped working outdoors. Much cooler at night - 62° at 7 pm. Played golf 8-10 - I shopped Basics. Bob Allen came with bill for well pump - Wes paid it. I put freezias [[freesias]] and cyclamen in holding bed - had bought Impatiens and ageratum at airport Market - planted strawberry jar - put other plants in flower border with grown mystery plant from AHS. To Morrisons at 6:30 - Lars & Victoria Potter - Helen & Jack MacCauley. Home at 11:15.