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May 29

1978 - Monday - Memorial Day - Beautiful weather - sunny and breezy - Bit & Mike left about 9 o'clock - phoned later, reached home safely. 
Mowed all lawns - some very high where we hadn't cut last week account wet - looked great. 
Put dahlias in sun garden - cultivated all beds - planted beans zucchini and yellow squash. Potatoes up - beetles eating cucumbers - cut worms got 2 peppers.

1979 - Tuesday - 45° at 5:45- Some fog - not a bad day - off and on cloudy. With Louise McKeon  measured church grounds for planting. To Dr. Marici Podiatrist at 10 AM - bought milk at Marcus following. Wes worked an hour in shop - then rest of day on road at veg garden. I planted Dahlia bulbs. With Terry Keller and Louise McKeon, in Lexington Garden truck - to Roth's, Armonk, and Shemin Nurseries to buy Juniper for church. Kellers stopped to borrow gas.

1980 - Thursday - 49˚ at 6 AM - Fair - 22 Mallards - some molting. Saw Little Green Heron: White Duck stood on eagle on bell - then flew to roof. Later in day saw Pike and one White in brush behind veg garden
Took food and supplies to Day of Recollection at Congregation of Notre Dame - picking up Helen. Had 24 ladies - Father McBride gave it outdoors. Home at 2:30. Wes had cleaned gutters - loaded with maple seeds - and trimmed and mowed.

1981 - Friday - 62° at 6 AM - Light rain - 5/10 in. in gauge. Baby Robin fluttered into Agapanthus on front stairs. Cloudy and misty all day but only point 5 inch more. Herb Dienst Memorial Service at 11 in Kenoseea [[Kenosia]] Cemetery - to Grace Church Rectory 200 Church St, Rev. Trassel, for luncheon following - Betty & Bob Leonard, Rodney & Muriel Risley, Mary Farrington, Carol & Jon Coggeshall there. Stopped for shells at Central Ave. & Pinchbeck for roses. To Bogus to plant scilla - roof finished - trimmed tree, birdfeeder, (Bert and Ada Trassel)

1982 - Saturday - 58° at 7 AM - Raining -total now one inch. Left at 9:30 for Bronxville Jerry Driscoll's funeral at 11 o'clock at St Joseph's Lunch with Mary following. Visit with Eileen. To Nabel's Nursery - bought 4 Maidenhair, 2 Japanese Silver Ferns - Dracena for strawberry jar. Home at 4:30 - nap - Picked up Keller's and to Jeanne and Al Tempanelli's for dinner - Rosses and Gertrude and George.

May 30

1978 - Tuesday - Foggy - Cloudy - became clear, sunny & warm about 10 AM - up in 80's in afternoon.
Planted tomatoes - Wes put in stakes for them - also another row bush beans - 2 pole beans - eggplant. Cut worm got three peppers.
Played golf 3-5 pm - some good shots - nothing consistent.

1979 - Wednesday - 56° at 6 AM - Cloudy -light showers - cleared for most of day - shower again at night. Worked at outdoor chores to 7:30 pm! Mowed front, back, side & at sheds last thing before dinner. Wes worked on road. I planted Marigolds & Zinnias in Perennial Garden - threw out a lot of Jacob's ladder. Took extra tomatoes to MQ and Jule - they gave us seed potatoes - some of ours drowned. I shopped for groceries - no gas at 3:30 - Wes returned at 4:30 to Flannery's - got it.

1980 - Friday - 40° at 6 AM - Partly cloudy - cleared No rain - need it.
Worked outdoors all day except for early hour in shop and laundry.
Finished trimming - I cut back, side and at shed. Did hand trimming and cultivating. Put copper sulphate in big pond. Planted 3 peppers, 1 eggplant - 6 musk melon - only mini vegs left in coldframe.

1981 - Saturday - 62° at 6 AM - cloudy - cleared to warm muggy day. Picked lettuce and asparagus. Gave excess tomato and pepper plants to Cathy Ghee. Sprayed small spruces for worms and maples across pond for gypsy worm - the white oak is denuded. Put saran wrap and vaseline on oak and maples. Took a shower! To Bogus - trimmed dead branches - took down a few small trees - killed gypsy worms - loaded there - showers again! To Ada Franken for dinner. Charming house.

1982 - Sunday - 58° at 6:30. Cloudy - some clearing around noon - muggy and warm then.
To 8 o'clock Mass. Planted the Maidenhair and Japanese Ferns. Wes finished filling in the electric ditch for pump here. To Rosses at 12:30 for luncheon - McKeons and Ingrid and [[strikethrough]] Wolfgang [[/strikethrough]] Wolfran Polonius there. Home at 4 pm for a nap. I cultivated flower and vegetable garden. Bit phoned - will come Sunday June 6th - Mike not eating any sugar.