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May 31

1978 - Wednesday - 62˚ at 6:30 - Beautiful day -  warm - in 80's.
Wes screened dirt for melon patch. I planted Peter Pan Zinnias in sun garden & planted tomatoes in herb garden - cut narcissus deadheads  in retirement garden. Wes trimmed across little bridge - west end & ponds. I cut side terrace and shed area. Learned George Lieman died last night. Thunderstorm at 6 o'clock - only sprinkles here.

1979 - Thursday - 48˚ at 5:30. Partly cloudy - became beautiful day - quite warm 74˚.
To look at church planting at 4:30 at Louise McKeon's request. Pat here to clean. Played golf 10:15 - 12:30. Slow game as lots of ladies but had fun - Home for lunch, cut across both bridges and below barn. Planted long-keeping tomatoes - 2 replacement potatoes - edged  across wall - cut out half caterpillar nest from Crab - gall growth from spruce & watched male Mallards fight.

1980 - Saturday - 58˚ at 6 AM - cloudy - hope for rain - just few sprinkles at noon.
To Basics after breakfast (open 24 hours) Bananas up to 3 lbs for $1.00
Wes had a shop hour. Cleaned out fireplace - spaded into melon patch. Cleaned up potting benches in cellar. Wes cut big lawn. I cleaned up rear of wood shed & picked up "pocking shape" filled up salt box. Place looked beautiful- clematis beautiful.

1981 - Sunday - 68˚ at 66 AM - Muggy - last bananas bought at Basic were 38₵/lb. Became fair, less humid. To 8 o'clock Mass.
Cultivated veg garden. Put Begonias off back terrace. sprayed big crabs. Saran strips and vaseline seem to be keeping worms from climbing trees - At Bogus dug around trees buried in septic sand - trimmed lower limbs from trees near entrance  sprayed little Japanese Maple and small trees at north end.

1982 - Monday - Memorial Day - 60˚ at 6:30. Raining 6/10 inch - Rain stopped at noon - cloudy. Wes had shop hour. I did a wash, looked over bulb books. Martini for lunch - good nap. Wes back in shop. I trimmed trees on North knoll - pulled weeds preparatory to putting on chips, When Wes came out he cut limb on maple at south side - we checked wall garden against chart - noted a few corrections and about three losses.

June 1

1978 - Thursday - 62˚ Beautiful day - warm, breezy - in 80's - less humidity. Played golf 8:15 / 10:15 - shopped Agway and to the Market. Sandy Couser picked flowers for Victorian basket in show tomorrow.
Set up grill at back terrace (cooked hamburgers for dinner) Mowed front and below barn - back of house. Set up one net for cucumbers.

1979 - Friday - 53˚ at 6 AM - Foggy - cleared to a beautiful day - quite warm but a good breeze - cool evening. To Mass Helen and I went to Ballard Garden - planted Dusty Miller - Young's for flower pot for cucumber - left silver bowl at Cappullo's (Sweepstakes award) for engraving - Wes & I to bank & Nutmeg for spark plug - Wes used Weed Eater on all banks & trees - put coldframe in barn rafters - gave 3 last tomatoes to Ghee's - planted 2 at barn - 1 pepper - sage & tarragon. Cocktail on terrace.

1980 - Sunday. 54˚ at 6 AM. Fair - 1/4 inch rain in thunderstorm 10 pm last night - beautiful day. To 8 o'clock Mass. Trimmed foundation evergreen at terrace and side. Sprayed when saw white worms in taxus - Also sprayed salvia - evergreen nursery. Pulled out one tomato plant - moved another to post Cultivated veg garden - I picked spinach and asparagus.

1981 - Monday - 40˚ at 6 AM - Beautiful and cold! Lovely day. Joe Keller worked. Anne Facey took us to her mother's home in Darien - beautiful house, grounds, furniture - also saw Waveny Park. Home to see Wright spry men here - did second spray and additional across pond. We followed them to Bogus- they did that and additional also, House framing almost finished - topsoil delivered - septic system drawn - to Ruth Sharp's at 5 pm - Billie & Pres all there. Home at 6:30 for dinner.

1982 - Tuesday - 58˚ at 6 AM. Very cloudy - rain at night. No Mass as Father on retreat.
I played golf with ladies until noon. Wes took sand from terrace - gravel from back of perennial garden - put them on north side where well ditch is.
I fed and trimmed flowers in wall garden  - cut grass. At Louise McKeon's request went to church to locate flower bed which Armand will dig.

Transcription Notes:
Duplicate of page 84