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June 14

1978 - Wednesday - 46° at 6:15 - Sunny - cool.
Saw a mockingbird at breakfast time. Saw another chipmunk - didn't catch him. Played golf 8:15-10 very windy on 1st hole - fast game. Trimmed Arbor [[Vitae]] and taxus at barn - put wire around day-lilies there before lunch. Worked in veg garden - Wes put wire on cucumber trellis - watered - Wes screened more soil for melon patch. Planted onions. To memorial for George Leeman at 8 pm.

1979 - Thursday - 40º at 6:30! Cold - Clear - Bit and Mike left after breakfast - about 9 o'clock. I sprayed veg garden - Wes had an hour in shop. Put on screen door - (side) - a second screen on den - put new duck knocker on front door -. Did a wash.
Mr. Ron Nurnberg here at 12:15 to discuss fabric for sofa and chairs - Staked perennial garden and cultivated it. - fed Aquilegias - Beautiful day. Helen & Alex stopped by unexpectedly at dinner time.

1980 - Saturday - 40º at 6:30 - Fair beautiful day. Put cold frame in barn rafters. Wes moved hanging basket in Pin Oak - in so doing cut out all deadwood - looks much better. Watered veg garden. Picked up Ricky Harrison at 1 pm and we went to Caramoor Bedford Show - had box lunch - waited until 4 pm to remove entries - brought Louise McKeon's arrangement home. Wes had cut banks. We went to Miss Hall's cocktail party at 5:30 - Home for dinner at 8 pm.

1981 - Sunday - 62º at 5:45 and light rain - .25 inches. To 8 o'clock Mass. Went with Louise McKeon to Bedford Show - she and Lee Dickinson had a third with vegetable basket - our lettuce, scallions and asparagus. Wes balanced books. After lunch took Heuchera and Siberian Iris to Bogus.
Mist off and on all day. Put heat on for dinner!

1982 - Monday - 48º at 6 AM. Drizzle - stopped about 10 AM - 1.35 in our gauges.
To Ridgefield - bank - copy of Dr Puchner's payment check to send his office - liquor - Stop & Shop for bananas 45¢/lb - Genovese - left papers and bottles at Reclamation Center. Home for lunch - nap. Did weeding - Wes in shop - Golf range on Route 6 for practice - to Brewster for case of beer - cut grass.

June 15

1978 - Thursday - 44º at 6:15 - very cold night - beautiful, sunny day. I went with Ridgefield Garden Club by bus to The Cloisters - Helen Ross drove to Aldrich Parking Lot - saw Unicorn Tapestries - Robert Campen picture of Annunciation - Herb Garden - picnic on lawn. Home at 4:30. To Ross' for dinner at 6 pm.
Wes had put copper sulphate in pond - used Weed Eater on banks & around trees = bought supplies at Meekers.

1979 - Friday - 45º at 5:45. Clear - beautiful morning - became warm and humid (84º). To Mass. I went to bank, Stop & Shop - Ridgefield Supply for new mailbox - cheese shop - Books Plus - Pinchbeck to return big pot and buy Browallia and more Impatiens - second Ortho Sprayer. Wes working with Joey - moved dirt for road - cut grass - cultivated - put up mailbox. Barn Swallow hatched. Alex & Helen here for a drink at 6 pm.

1980 - Sunday - 50º at 5:30. Cloudy - became off and on all day - no rain - we need it.
To 8 o'clock Mass. Transplanted Lemon Balm Herb to new "melon patch" outside garden fence. Enlarged fence around melons there. Wes watered blueberries & raspberries. Pulled out spinach and some onions lost to maggots. Tied up tomatoes - added more wood chips to paths and back bank. Wes cut grass across both bridges. Put salt hay on strawberries.

1981. Monday. 60º at 6 AM - Light rain - just .10 in gauge - stopped and cleared around noon.
Wes started Jacobsen by jumping safety switch. Nutmeg picked up Cadet. Trimmed and cultivated flower gardens. We tied up peas - picked strawberries. After lunch, went to Ballard Garden - weeded, clipped - grass not cut so will have to go back. Helen, Alex and Arlene here for a drink at 5 pm. We went to Bogus at 6:30. The siding had been delivered - more electric work done.

1982 - Tuesday. 48º at 6 AM.
Sun coming up - beautiful day.
To Mass. I played golf with ladies in morning - followed by clinic - Wes worked on front along road. Terry Keller took pictures of house & grounds - paid $100 for weed eater.
After lunch and nap brought myrtle down from north end to entrance walk - trimmed tree branches - (lifted) in knoll - Wes refilled crack in stone on terrace. Used gas grill & ate dinner on deck - very pleasant no bugs.