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June 26

1978 - Monday 50° at 6 AM. Partly cloudy- light rain in afternoon -

To Mass. Golf - good game! (Wes 43 - me 51) from 8:30/10:30. Today Wes with Alex, went to Jessups for horse manure and 2 bales of mulch hay.
To Bethel for corn - Agway was out - so was Barnum - bought scratch's I washed tablecloth etc - cleaned up after Sunday's party.

1979 - Tuesday - 38º at 5:45 - Fair - Cold!
Baby zucchini plants dead in the cold - melon plant seemed to have survived, Wes had an hour in shop. Joe here at 9 AM- Wes & Joe graded at shed - made blue stone walk in front - Young's of Wilton will deliver sod on Friday. Put flags on in front of garden gate. Graded road. I went to Pat Coliers for lunch - picked up Evelyn Leeman - to garden club at 2 pm Mrs. Randolph - brought Evelyn & Helen home - took Joe home Stopped st Ruth Sharp's for drink.

1980 - Wednesday - 60º at 5:45. Sunny - warm out, a breeze. TO Mass. To bank - Marcus - Basics - gasoline Gulf 11:30//1:30. Lunch - nap - hobby hour (I fixed up Horticultural book to give Sandy) Wes cleaned gutters - didn't bring on hoped for thunderstorm - I cut grass terrace and some of back - grass burned out. Picked strawberries - broccoli - cucumber for dinner. First peas. Bowmans sold their house.

1981 - Friday - 58º at 6 AM. Beautiful. 2/10 inch in gauge - We threw out another tenth yesterday. Glad for it.
Joe Taller worked 8 - 3. Finished edging around trees below barn - cut grass - Jacobsen broke down. Took Hosta and Coral bells and Siberian Iris to Bogus wet spot. Howard had House Alarm man there. Siding not yet started. Made date with movers for next Tuesday for estimate. Called Ziegler about cutting down livingroom rug. Met Major Avenue man in evening - discussed wiring- will start Tuesday.

1982 - Saturday - 63º at 6 AM - - Red sun early - cloudy. Ross' 50th Wedding Anniversary celebration
Cultivated gardens. Watered young lettuce Peas in bloom. Threw away diseased tomato plants Transplanted one of the good ones into big pot.
To 10 o'clock Mass at Alex & Helen's - 50 family & friends
Cut grass - lunch - nap. Hung Sesley print over fireplace - gilt mirror over table. Picked up Billie & to Keeler Garden House at 5:30 for Ross reception - dinner as Ballard guests at Inn following. Thunderstorm at 6:30

June 27

1978 - Tuesday - 62º at 6 AM- Cloudy - cleared by noon - hot & humid.
We cultivated the blueberry patch - ed them Holly tone and put on mulch hay. We cultivated veg garden. Caught #13 chipmunk and took it to Hawthorne Trail when Wes drove me to Rosses. Helen, Evelyn Leeman, Ruth Sharp and I drove to Pat Colier's luncheon and on to Garden Club meeting at Joan Meirot's - home at 5:30.

1979 - Wednesday - 46º at 5:45 - Fair - beautiful day. cool breeze - need rain - winds very drying.
Wes had an hour in shop - I studied plants for birds. To Cleaners and Stop & Shop for a few groceries To Bob Colier to look at furniture (Chairs) Saw amazing amount of beautiful furniture in shop - 2 barns - bought Chippendale chair for $675 - will polish & debug later Had lunch Wes worked on blueberry frames - I cultivated retirement garden & sprayed - watered perennial & veg garden About 17 Mallards - one lame one - for corn.

1980 - Friday - Sunny - about 40 ducks - 68º at 6:45 - forgot to look at 6 AM. Hot and very humid - no rain Watered veg and flower  garden. Put Impatiens Tower together - plants too grown for beautiful effect.
Wes put on den and guest room screens. I bought silk dress and 3 piece knit in Selova Barry's sale Trimmed all small hemlocks on Ghee fence line.

1981 - Saturday - 50º at 6 AM. Beautiful at least 52 ducks - only a few still have male coloring.
Wes cleaned garage. Cut up maple headboards in fixed Jacobsen - thank God. I bought white skirt and silk blouse at Selova Barry. Dug up astilbe and plated deeper. Took barberry to Bogus 6 small plants - watered as everything very dry. Watered back grass and under "sick" Moraine. Wes cooked steak for dinner.

1982 - Sunday. 64º at 6 AM. Light rain - Put light blanket on yesterday just in time for warm weater. No measurable rain in our gauge last night or this morning - too bad. To 8 o'clock Mass. Wes balanced checkbook & wrote checks. I cultivated hardens. trimmed a couple trees - watered gardens. Trimmed a couple trees - watered.
Hung Sesley print over mantel on double hook - put eagle over front door - oval mirror over buffet and oblong mirror over table in livingroom - looks good. Filled hook hole and spot painted.