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June 28

1978 - Wednesday - 68° at 6 AM. Muggy - became beautiful day - warm but nice breeze. caught #14 Chipmunk - Wes took him to High School enroute pick up Joe Keller - Trimmed all banks, edges etc - Wes finished cutting big lawns - I cut back & side and outside fence - Joe edged juniper at little bridge and weeping birches - Watered big lawn and veg garden and parts of back. and blueberries.

1979 - Thursday - 58° at 5:30 - Cloudy - became mostly sunny day - scattered thunderstorms predicted - now here. Wes had hour in shop. I watered perennial garden and tied up tomatoes. Played golf 8:30/10:30. Trimmed hemlock close to barn and 5 small hemlock on East fence Young's Nurseries delivered 29 packs of sod - put them in front of new shed - planted  Alex glabra across overflow wall. I cut dead-wood from pine near new shed while Wes worked on sod.

1980 - Saturday - 55° at 6 AM. Cloudy - then sunny and cloudy - few drops rain at 6 pm - no hoped for storm. Hour of hobby. I transplanted spleenworts  into trough - the Bluets, Arayclus depressus and Campanula garganica on back bank. Sheared hemlock at driveway - discovered one at barn had res spider so sprayed all. Voted for driving range at golf course.

1981 - Sunday - 44º at 5:30 - Beautiful - over 50 Mallards. To 8 o'clock Mass. Watered bog and perennial garden and back hoped-for grass - nthing yet. To Neligans after lunch to measure book case. Watered at Bogus - put chips on small plants to conserve moisture.
To Ruth Sharp's at 5 for a drink - Billie there - brought her back to show her Bogus house.

1982 - Monday - 62º at 6 AM - Foggy - rain predicted but none here - warm and humid.
Wes finished curbing along road - stripped off most of sod - put that on top cliff walk off deck.
I cultivated and watered some plants.
Planted marigold in church garden. With Gizella went to beach and weeded part of that - hot work as sun reflected on sand - lots of beer bottles, some full - Put wire around Hostas on wood knoll - deer or something eating them.

June 29

1978 - Thursday - 56º at 6 AM - Fair - thunder in afternoon - very little rain. Breezy all day - dried out ground.
Played golf 7:45 - 9:30 - good fast game.
Trimmed big hemlock at entrance - leaned ladder against it to reach top. Later trimmed hemlock at driveway entrance - interrupted by storm. Dan Macklee brought Pat Mailes - she cleaned house for him - will work for us about August 15th.

1979 - Friday - 60º at 6 AM - cloudy - off and on sunny warmer than last few days. Wes worked in shop. Went for gas - none at airport - Flannery had line and wasn't opening until 9 o'clock. Joe here. Wes & Joe erected blueberry frame. I went to 10 o'clock funeral of Loretta Daly. Cut grass terrace and in front under trees. Watered azaleas and other important plants in back. Cultivated perennial garden. Watered half of veg garden. Trimmed white birch at driveway.

1980 - Sunday - 56º at 6 AM - cloudy - Muggy all day - rain at 9 PM - hard. 1.75 in gauge Monday morning.
To 8 o'clock Mass. Wes balanced books - wrote checks for bills. I cultivated veg garden - composted lettuce and broccoli - picked cucumbers - peas broccoli and lettuce - hilled potatoes and beans - sprayed for squash bugs etc. Wes had shop time. I put Garden Club book in order.

1981 - Monday - 48º at 6 AM - Fog blowing over pond. Became sunny and warm day - breeze - very dry. Wes to Agway for corn - had haircut. I wrote letter covered transplanted perennials - watered some. Wes pulled up pump - cleaned it out - reset intake in a pail. Worked fine. To Ridgefield - took papers and bottles to reclamation center - bought liquor for party Sunday. Took water to Bogus - put chip on parsley. Man took [[?]]

1982 - Tuesday. 68º at 6 AM - Partly cloudy. humid
To 8 o'clock Mass. No golf for me as going into N Y C to see Mr Long. After stops at bank and Marcus, took 10:30 bus from Mil Plain Road - $8.25 - To Bus Terminal at 12 - light rain - walked to Chrysler Building - hour with Mr Long - lunch at Grand Hyatt - walked around Grand Central as raining - 3:48 train to Brewster - Wes met me there - home at 6 pm. Wes hadn't been able to do much work outdoors account rain