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June 30

1978- Friday- 54º at 6AM - Fair - 5 Mallards come regularly for corn - at some times during day nine Mallards here.
Watered  veg garden. Played golf 8:30-10:15
Trimmed 6 hemlocks (small) at fence line.
To Brunetti's - Grand Central - Appalachian Shop 
Carolyn Meyers repaired machine! Beautiful day - need rain.

1979- Saturday - 65º at 6AM. Had a light rain not under trees - hope for more  Wes finished laying sod at shed. Then he cut lawns at noon when grass dried. I cultivated all gardens - new row of lettuce and replaced cucumbers coming up - weeded Japanese Iris and daylilies off road - trimmed euonymous, (euonymus). Picked a lot of peas & froze some - shelled some for dinner but mostly ate them in pods - delicious. Showers at 6 pm - drove us in from terrace. 

1980 - Monday 60º at 5:45. Cloudy in AM - cleared noon - few light showers PM.
Great to see everything wet and water going down spillway. Wes took car for oil change and filter - then to Meekers - Tebor Varga for work on model - Marcus - home for lunch. I planted New Zealand spinach & cauliflower - transplanted flowers and silver mound artemisia - dug tulips at front entrance for storage. Ordered next years.

1981 - Tuesday - 52º at 6:15 - overslept Beautiful day - sun hot - more humid - dry. To Mass - Helen & Alex Anniversary. they gave us raspberries.  Siding being put on. Antenna man "Al" working. Audio alarm demonstration. Denbury Moving & Storage Augie DeLuca gave estimate for move. Put copper sulphate in pond & raked out some debris. Killed guppy mot nest. good day - need rain badly.

1982 - Wednesday - 60º at 6 AM - Fair - Rain gauge just under 1.25. Beautiful day - some clouds at noon. Golf 8 - 10. Shopped Stop & Shop Liquor - picked up clothes from cleaner - took papers and bottles to Reclamation - Wes finished stripping sod from road front put on all Oliver chips at hand  need more. I cut grass - put "Chew Not" on Hosta against deer - transplanted baby bleeding heart from under fern - deadheaded perennial garden. Picked lettuce and first peas. Cooked chicken & bran muffins on grill.

July 1

1978 - Saturday - 43º at 5:45 AM. Clear - cold night. Wes played 9 holes with John Hartcorn - I went to Ballard Garden and worked several hours. After lunch a little work in garden - cultivated. Eileen came at 4 o'clock - we went to Rosses' cocktail party at five - beautiful day -gorgeous view. The McCabes - their new neighbors were guests of honor. Eileen stayed overnight.

1979 - Sunday - 69º at 6:30. Slept late - felt good. Light rain during night - 1/2 in. rain
25 Mallards waiting for breakfast. To 8 o'clock Mass at St Peter's - 20 minutes on gasoline line at Hess' - 7 gals gas. Stopped at Marcus for mil & eggs. Wes finished blueberry frame except for clip connectors.  typed up Sweepstakes Rules for new member. Tied up daylilies at veg garden. Staked some plants in perennial garden, Picked strawberries.

1980 - Tuesday - 55º at 5:45 - Fair - Warm in sun humid. To Mass Howard Castle repaired outdoor outlet east end of house. Joe Keller here - weeded along road fence & at Crab. We put on blueberry net. Cut bad limb from terrace maple. I cultivated perennial and veg garden. Lettuce going to see. Pulled out broccoli. Picked peas, beets & strawberries. Wes' back a little better - still handicaps him. Cut grass.

1981 -  Wednesday - 62º at 6 AM. Cloudy - light shower at 5 PM. Weeded and edged around house and barn. Wes sprayed front pond with copper sulphte and cleaned outdoor lamps. Shopped Basic and Marcus. Edged lawn patch by little bridge - changed bid bath for white chair there. Cultivated veg garden - pulled up broccoli. Cultivated perennial garden. St Charles delivered kitchen cabinets to our barn. Wes found yellow clippers under pine needles. Second side of Bogus siding on.

1982 - Thursday - 50º at 6 AM - Sn coming up - it was a cool night - used extra blanket. Perfectly beautiful day - sunny and cool. To Mass
To Meekers for bananas and a few groceries. Wes started cutting out leaf mold from rock off deck - deep hole and lots of roots. ut up leaves from branches cut off wood knoll trees some time ago.