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July 2

1978 - Sunday - 54º at 7 AM with sun on Thermometer.
These have been cold nights. Eileen with us - to 9:30 Mass - a walk about - she left for home at noon. Wes put up shades for blueberry cover. I watered perennial garden by soaking hose - one section had a hole - had to install other. Picked first broccoli for dinner - MQ & Jule here - Wes cooked lamb chops. We saw Muskrat at back dam - Swallows out of barn nest.

1979 - Monday - 59º at 6 AM - Cloudy. Had thunderstorm last night. (Quarter inch) 45 Ducks for corn. To Mass - Golf following - behind slow threesome - played with Bill Frazer. To Agway for blueberry sets and other supplies - Plant collar for flowers, urn for garage - lunch at Opera Cafe - groceries from [[? Henast]]. Wes finiished blueberry frame - I cultivated and deadheaded perennial garden - fed squash & beans. Wes brought compost to veg garden. hollows. (Lots of trees down on golf course) Another tenth in rain in noon showers.

1980 - Wednesday - 56º at 5:50. Fair and warm in morning - showers in afternoon. Worked at Ballard for an hour - shopped Brunetti - stationery - Stop & Shop and Caldor - bought Hoover Portapower Vacuum. Lunch - nap  - Wes to Tibor's to work on his model - I ironed - transplanted white Heuchera - picked cabbage & lettuce.

1981 Thursday - 70º at 6 AM. 1/4 inch rain in gauge. Swallows left nest yesterday. First day been out of barn. 1/4 inch later in day. Joe Keller came to work but rain prevented. Wes cleaned garage. Later after rain stopped cut grass. Campbell Machine bought bandsaw and disc sander drafting table and other equipment. I went to Bogus to meet Mr Gerard of St Charles Kitchen, Mike & Jimmy Redmond. Electrical wiring ok. Account rain, no siding work. Water connected

1982 - Friday - 48º at 6 AM - sunny. A very cold night - beautiful day.
Golf 8 - 9:40 - number waiting - we started first
Wes finished fern path - we moved four Maidenhair fern and I brought up a Christmas fern from Bog Garden - took Impatiens from basket and pot and put them along path - also three of Ricky's Forget-Me-Nots. Cut two limbs from over hanging trees that area and cut them up.

July 3

1978 - Monday - 44º at 6 AM - Cloudy, cool morning.
Golf after Mass - foursome made up - lots of people playing Wes had 47 - I had 55 so we held our own - cut grass immediately on return from [[?]] to beat rain - didn't start until 4 o'clock - we also had time to put net on blueberries - need another one to cover all plants - picked up stones along road for overflow wall repair - to Marcus for milk. Dan Machler followed us up driveway - we had a drink together.

1979 - Tuesday - 59V at 6 AM - clear - beautiful day.
Wes had an hour in shop. I polished silver and brass lamp. Joe here - put net on blueberry frame - worked perfectly. Joe cut out all weeds on edge of blueberry patch - trimmed banks - finished spreading topsoil on road edge - edged Lily of Valley. He's a good worker. Pat Colter delivered Chippendale chair - looks good. Played golf 1 / 4:15 - lots of people - played with "June and Bud"  - cut grass on return.

1980 - Thursday - 65º at 6 AM - Foggy - some light showers - barely measurable. To Mass. To bank to transfer Savings Certificate (6 months) interest now about 8% instead of 11%. I took Horticulture book to Sandy Cowser - new section to me off Branchville Road. Home for lunch & nap. Wes went to Tibor's to complete drilling his model part - I worked in veg garden. To Tracy's at 5 pm for a drink - neighbors there.

1981 - Friday - 68º at 6 AM - Rain dig night - 1.4 inch of rain counting the day's rain. Wes in shop. I went to Ridgefield - left interest on construction loan at [[? Caboose]] - Freeman away - shopped cheese shop - few groceries. Made a salad for luncheon. Eileen here at 11:15 - visited Bogus did a walk around here - she left at 5 pm.
We took hanging pots from terrace - weeded at Crab - found baby new anenome and tiy Japanese fern. Joe Keller couldn't work account rain.

1982 - Saturday - 55º at 6 AM - Sun coming up 5:29 - 8:31 - clear morning - clouded up - light rain at noon and at 5 o'clock into the evening. .05 IN RAIN GAUGE
Wes raked up sunflower hulls - took down wire used for bird feeders. We're trying to beautify the south side. I brought down 3 loads of chips for side of vegetable bin - moved two more ferns to the fern walk.. Cut grass just before rain. Uncovered rock at North side - put the leafmold near flower garden. Joe Bachman and Charmain stopped by to look at Solar Room.