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July 6

1978. Thursday - 50° at 6 AM - Sunny & warm day Golf 8-10 AM - scores 50 & 54. Cut hemlock at fence edge (trimmed) After lunch I picked up Helen and we met Billie at Ballard Garden - worked an hour. Wes installed shelves in veg shed and cleaned it up. Watered veg garden. Cub Cadet returned by Nutmeg repaired.

1979 - Friday - 40° at 5:45. Another record low. Beautiful. To Mass. Golf afterwards - joined Ken & Jay at 5th hole - Ken was a wonderful golfer. Trimmed the tree behind the Woodstock Hemlock before lunch; after, trimmed another big one. Took most of afternoon Wes finished top with long trimmer. I checked on veg garden - watered broccoli and cabbage rows. Picked strawberries for breakfast. Brought over wheelbarrow of compost.

1980 - Sunday. 60° at 6 AM. Cloudy. Rain in gauge 6/10 inch. Became fair - breezy day - beautiful To 8 o'clock Mass. Wes trimmed out more wild bushes - cultivated raspberries and covered them with mulch hay. Picked first blueberries. I planted low pot for St. Francis - fed hanging pots - cultivated and staked perennial garden. Put another coat of paint on round glass table - put it on terrace. Aired out mattress. Wes cooked lamb chops outdoors.

1981. Monday. 66° at 6:45 - Forgot to look at 6 AM. Fair - 44 ducks and a young family of four - not too small. Beautiful day - quite warm in sun. Relaxed after party - called Hoffman to fill Bogus fuel tank - Cornels for lunch on 14th - picked strawberries. Zucchini and squash - staked dahlias and cultivated all beds. To Bogus to plant baby anenome and Japanese Fern - Met Tracys there - siding work had continued and insulation started.

1982 - Tuesday. 56° at 6 AM - Sun coming up. Fair, warm, breezy day. To Mass. I played golf with Ladies 8-11. Wes worked on South side path - made a railroad tie step. To Ridgefield Savings Bank to turn over Money Market Certificate - interest rate up 1% over the old one - Brunetti for steak and sandwiches for lunch - ate them on deck with a beer - needed that as salami was spicy. Watered wall garden - well water stopped. Cooked steak and baked potatoes on grill.

July 7

1978 - Friday - 54º at 6 AM. Sunny warm day. Took golf equipment to  Mass and went to Dlhy immediately to play 9 holes with John Hartcorn. I had a good game (51) Wes poor. We finished trimming the hemlocks at fence line - look good.
After lunch to Bethel (corn, olive oil) - to Ridgefield for liquor. Did a little cultivating - picked strawberries - John & Lucienne Hartcorn here at six for drink and walk around.

1979 - Saturday - 40° again at 6 am. Fair. Only 8 ducks waiting for corn - they fly away after eating - something new. Wes had hour in shop. I worked on Dutch bulb order. Cut [[strikethrough]] a big hemlock [[/strikethrough]] 4 small hemlocks using small ladder. Then shopped Caldors - cleaners - Gran Central. Stopped at Ballard Garden to see if trees needed water. Home for lunch and nap. Watered perennial, veg and back gardens. Wes worked on road - mowed across both bridges & west end. I cut side and top front. Wes shot muskrat.

1980 - Monday - 46° at 6 AM. Fair. Ate blueberries on breakfast cereal. About 32 mallards.
Played golf 8-10 - first time in over a week account Wes' back - better now. Trimmed "Woodstock" hemlock. To Federal Road Durkin's to order flag pole - a 15 foot. To Marcus for milk, eggs & ice cream. Home for lunch & nap. Trimmed another hemlock - started third & decided to cut off top - big job - didn't finish. Wes cut across bridges - I worked in veg garden.

1981 - Tuesday - 62° at 6 AM. Fair, warm day. To Mass. After shop hour Wes repaired rotted framing of breezeway sliding door - late in day cut front lawn and across pond. I deadheaded - daylilies look beautiful & cultivated - took plastic wrap off trees - cut back grass. To Bogus midafternoon - insulation finished - siding work continuing. Mike making retaining wall for crawl space.

1982 - Wednesday - 54° at 6 AM - Fair - warm - humid 
Golf 8-10 - Fast game - first out.
Cut grass - cultivated chip covers on south side and along road - weeding bushes there. Phoned Pinchbeck for chips - delivery tomorrow - can't get mulch from Oliver. Lunch on loungers in south shade area - McKenzie calibrated Wes' milling machine & brought technical data - I watered plants in Wood Knoll. Picked peas and broccoli. Gizella gave us string beans.

[[note from digital volunteer]] Dlhy is name of local golf course [[/note from digital volunteer]].