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July 8

1978 - Saturday - 65˚ at 6:45 with sun on it - humid. Last mass at Rectory on Regan Road. 12 Mallards for corn at breakfast time. 

Wes used Cub Cadet to cut west end and across big pond along back brook. I cut side and back and watered back lawn. Picked lettuce and strawberries. Jacobaeu [[Jacobi]] couldn't start so Wes cut front lawn with Cadet. To Billie Newell's at 3 oclock for a [[?]] - walked around her place - saw cave. To MQ & Julie's at 5:30 for dinner.

1979 - Sunday - 45˚ at 6AM - Fair. 15 mallards and Peggy was waiting for corn - she eats last - they fly away. To 8 o'clock Mass - took Dutch Bulb book to Louis McSaon - looked at their property behind Moreau's. Wes had hour in shop. I made blueberry muffins and angel food cake. Cultivated perennial and vegetable garden. Wes watered blueberries and new sod - worked on road. I watered new lettuce and carrots - ground very dry. MQ cancelled out coming to dinner.

1980 - Tuesday - 58˚ at 5:45 - Cloudy
Wes killed muskrat last night. Cleared later in day. Heard thunder but no rain here. Joe Keller worked 9-4. Moved boards from behind big hemlock. Trimmed. We cut (trimmed) two hemlock. I planted lettuce and carrots. Picked cabbage, squash & peas. Put lime around Japanese Iris. Weeded as Astelbe [[Astilbe]] - Aruncus garden. Wes pruned out clethra behind big hemlock. Lots of chicks.

1981 - Wednesday 62˚ 6AM. Fair - heat was predicted and reached 90˚ here in afternoon.

Deadheaded - To Sears for primer for breezeway framing repair. Wes painting in morning - I gave one coat all afternoon - few groceries and Basins. Wes finished cutting lawn. Hoffman delivered 516 - 9 gal at $1.202. Electric line  finally in - an hour after bulldozer taken off job. We emptied 4 gypsy moths traps. Killed some female moths. Sold boat to Mulligans for $50 -

1982 - Thursday - 68˚ at 6AM. Fair - hot-humid around 90˚ - To Mass.
Wes had morning in shop. I worked in the shade watering and cultivating. Saw a Rose Breasted Grosbeak. Pinchbeck delivered 10 bags of mini-chips and 2 bags milorganite. Wes put 6 bags along road - finished that section and used the balance on south side - The winter bird feeding station. Put black iron plant holder along front walk between windows as decoration - To Alex & Helen's for a drink at 5pm.

July 9

1978 - Sunday - 64˚ at 6:45 AM - Warm humid night. Warm and humid all day. To 9:30 mass. Wes arranged hoses on big lawn - watered. I edged and cultivated and watered in back. Started The "Setting Bunny" box frame.

Picked fresh blueberries - good amount. Wes fixed holes in net - watered them. Picked broccoli, lettuce and strawberries - watered big garden. Warm night.

1979 - Monday - 52˚ at 6 AM - Saw squirrel on only bird feeder out - now we know why cover was off and cork chewed! Dead muskrat on bridge - don't know why. To 7:30 Mass - wanted to play golf after but course closed until 11 o'clock for maintenance. Hour in shop. Bought gas - regular - 93.9¢ at airport Texaco - Cash only. Trimmed last two hemlocks at fence line. Played golf 2 to 4 pm - lots of people. Cleaned pond edges of goo - Put in copper sulphate crystals. Wes picked first blueberries.

1980 - Wednesday - 52˚ at 6 AM. Fair - warm breezy day. No rain. Golf 8:30/10:30 with Ed Mitchell & daughter Jane - very good players. Watered flowers at veg garden -  deadheaded day lilies. Lunch. To Ridgefield for haircut for me - Wes picked up cleaning and bought liquor. We both worked at Ballard for an hour. Home to trim big hemlock at East fenceline - cut front and side lawns. Busy day.

1981 - Thursday - 66˚ at 6 AM - Hazy, hot humid with a breeze. To Mass. Joe Keller cut banks with weedeater - edged outside fence. Deadheaded - picked peas, onions, lettuce, squash, strawberries. Put final coat on breezeway framing repair. Wes bought gasoline. filled car - rewound weedeater. Howard Castle brought information on Guardix alarm system. Mike brought bills for June work at house - sheet rock delivered; to Ruth Sharp for swim and drink.

1982 - Friday - 67˚ at 6 AM - Fair - hot - humid
Shopped at 7 AM - Basics and gasoline
Golf 8 - 10 - lots of people - some clouds while we played so not a bad temperature

Worked in shade - cultivating - Wes shoveled up leaf mold I took from stone in wood knoll yesterday and brought in to stock pile below perennial garden. Lowered ground left side of front walk - took that to front wall. Watered. To Mary Luke's at 5:30 for a drink. Had cut grass on cliff and along road.