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July 10

1978 - Monday 60º at 6 AM. Cloudy- became mostly sunny - humid - looked like rain in afternoon - thunder - few drops - cooled off - too bad no rain. 
To Mass in new Rectory - very attractive - not quite completed in kitchen. Wes phoned Jacobsen repair. Said would come later in day. Golf 8:30 - 10:30. We cut across bridges & below barn with Cadet. I cultivated perennial garden - staked - cut grass growing around veg garden Picked lettuce & broccoli. 11 Mallards 4 Ring Neck for corn.

1979 - Tuesday - 54º at 6 AM - Cloudy - hope for showers - none - warmer day when sun out - Pat here to clean (back from vacation) and Joe Keller day - he pulled cartilage in knee, has to be careful - worked until 3:15 cutting grass - weeding etc. Wes and I trimmed deadwood from pine near inlet. I watered new lettuce and broccoli/cabbage seeds. Wes cut lawn

1980 - Thursday - 60º at 6 AM. Partly cloudy - became fair - warm - very humid To Mass - went directly to golf course - played back nine using a cart A disaster for me as to score. To Bethel for corn - Wes had a haircut - Basics for groceries - Marcus - bank to correct interest on savings certificate. Cultivated and watered veg garden - blueberries & raspberries. Picked blueberries & strawberries. To Vargas to meet Lucille & Walter Harden.

1981 - Friday - 68º at  AM - Sunny, breezy day - very warm. Deadheaded. Killed Gypsy moths in white pine and other trees across little bridge. Raked edges of pond - grass was high where Joe used weed eater. Finished edging and weeding daylily bed along road - Wes put the grass sod in back lawn - getting dollar spot fungus there. Cultivated and watered veg garden - picked first beans. Didn't visit Bogus

1982 - Saturday - 58º at 6 AM. Cooler night - Hot day - no rain.
Left home at 7:15 AM - to Bronxville for Mary - To Garden City - lost way - just made St Joseph's Church at 10 o'clock for wedding Terry Boyle and Kevin Coughlin - reception afterward at Garden City Century Club - left there about five home about seven. Watered a few things- early to bed.

July 11

1978 - Tuesday -62° at 6:30 with sun on thermometer. Beautiful, cool morning. Six Mallards waiting for Corn - flew off immediately after eating. Daylilies coming out at barn - late this year: Watered pot plants (lots inside and out) Picked strawberries. Wes took Lawnboy #2 to Nutmeg. Picked up MQ and Jule & on to Fishmarket. Amawalk for delayed birthday luncheon & home thru Somers', Heritage Hills - very enjoyable time. Played golf 3-5:30 - lots people slow, but good game. Jacobsen repaired in our absence - Bob Green told us their house was on market for $130,000.

1979 - Wednesday - 62° at 6 AM - cloudy - off and on sunny - no rain. Hour's shop - garden club work. I picked up Helen & went to Joan Minot's for Board of Managers meeting - grocery shopped afterward - sent off Dutch Bulb order. Wes finished pruning tops of hemlocks at fence line and white oak across dam: To Ron Nurnberg to sign order for reupholstering sofa & chairs - bought veg garden dust at Marcus - they had no fall vegetables. Watered veg garden.

1980 Friday - 62° at 6 AM - Hazy - hot & humid Prepared for Reinwald's visit - cleaned house - made beds etc.
Bit, Mike  - Gasby and Carolyn arrived 4:45 pm after spending the afternoon at Boscobel.
Drink - dinner - sat outside on terrace until bedtime

1981 - Saturday - 54° at 6 AM. Fair - hot in sun Deadheaded - To Youngs Ridgefield for Dyrene lawn fungus control & fertilizer - recycling center - liquor - Stop & Shop. Put Dyrene & fertilizer on back & side grass - watered fertilizer in. After lunch I watered perennial garden. To Bogus, sheet rock men working. Delivery truck had ripped bark from big beech. Emptied gypsy moth traps. To Billie's at 4:45 for swim and drinks. Rosses there. Wes shot a pigeon.

1982 - Sunday - 60° at 6:30 - not a bad night. Hazy sunny morning - warm humid day - no rain.
To 8 o'clock Mass.
Quiet day - chores - Wes cleaned shop & den & kitchen floor. I watered plants. We cut grass in afternoon. Took two stones from small rhododendron on knoll discovered when I tried to water the plant. Had lunch on loungers in South shade
Eileen phoned she learned from Bit thru Ceil that Uncle Joe died.