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July 12

1978 - Wednesday - 46° at 6:30. Fair - beautiful. Cold night. Wes picked up #2 Lawnboy at Nutmeg then went to pick up Joe Keller. We had Black Starr release form notarized at Union Bank.. I drove to Ridgefield - bought stamps - mailed letters took Sedley Print to Print Shop - left for framing - worked at Ballard Garden - shopped Stop & Shop. Wes & Joe cut grass - watered - moved dirt to melon patch - Joe edged lily of valley patch. Ate first beets.

1979 - Thursday - 58° at 6 AM- Overcast- hazy all day, very warm. Hour at hobbies - Golf 8:30 to 10:30 - good game if not good scores - too many putts.
Watered new sod at shed - perennial garden - blueberries and broccoli. Picked blueberries, strawberries and peas. Quit early account heat. Shelled peas or[?] pulled off strings.
Only 8 ducks for corn - lots of birds.

1980 - Saturday - Fair - not as warm as yesterday Reinwalds here - Eileen came up at 9 and we all went to Litchfield Open House Day Saw 5 houses and an Artist Studio - as well as church and Connecticut Junior Republic - school for boys - shopped at White Flower Farm enroute to home - Eileen and I went to Billie Newell's to show Eileen the pool. Dinner - Eileen left at 9 pm

1981 - Sunday - 60° at 6 AM - Hazy - Hot - Humid not a bad breeze so okay in shade. To 8 o'clock Mass. Deadheaded. Shop hour. Staked up "Wood Daisy". Cut outside fence. Wes cut big lawn - I trimmed.
To Bogus to water, using tap water hose & 4 pails - Everything very dry. Worked in "Bog garden" and clearing. John Hartcorn stopped by to look at tractor. Joan Mannion gave us jelly.

1982 - Monday - 68° at 6:30. Foggy - had light shower during night - walk not even wet - Thunderstorm and heavy rain in morning 8/10 inch. Warm and humid and some light rain during day Glad to have it. Wes in shop - I wrote letters - sent order to Sonoma - read papers. Outdoors mid afternoon to find animal had eaten all leaves from zucchini on knoll - put fence around it. To Pound Ridge Nursery to look at fencing and rhododendron - both good ideas for our south side.

July 13

1978 - Thursday 46° at 6 AM. Sunny - 13 Mallards - the most we have had. The Ring Neck Dove is at the corn every day. Golf early - Wes had good game - 44. I had 53. I cut back and side grass - put water on. Watered veg garden. Wes cut swamp maple shading veg garden - his saw became bound in it - he worked with wedges to free - unable to - we used two-man saw - after all these years - finally tree fell into swamp - Wes took saw to Nutmeg for repair.

1979. Friday - 60° at 5:45 - Very foggy - cleared became very hot, humid day - high 88°. To Mass. Joe here 8:30 / 10:30 - weeded under trees - edged. Terry gave us cabbage plants. Wes cut out deadwood over old shed - we cut up all that brush and cleaned out the shed - looks good - neat. We rested and did hobbies in heat of day -returning to work after 3 o'clock.
Ducks don't stay around - fly off after eating in morning and returned at six. Lawn burned. Woodchuck in Gizella's garden.

1980 - Sunday - Fair - beautiful day - hot in sun but nice breeze - so dry. Reinwalds here - Bet not feeling well - didn't go to Mass with us. They left after breakfast - about 10:15. Wes & I straightened up house - did wash etc. Helen & Alex stopped by - looked at gardens. Wes & I scraped worms from maple at lower fence line. To Billie Newell's at 5:30 for drink - beautiful evening there.

1981 - Monday. 72° at 5:30 - Cloudy - at least 25 Mallards for corn - cleared - no rain - hot and dry. Deadheaded - watered beans - to Brunetti for steak for tomorrow's luncheon. Wes cleaned out pump intake - sand was gettin in line. Wes cut across both bridges. I picked beans, squash. Took Hosta, Heuchera and Sedum to Bogus. Siding almost finished. To Billie's for service at 5 o'clock.

1982 - Tuesday - 62° at 6 AM - Fair. 4 Raccoons Mama and 3 pups - on deck at breakfast time
Sunny - warm - very humid. To Mass.
I played golf with ladies 8:15 - 11:30 - long - hot & bad. Wes in shop.
To Marcus - gasoline - Vegetable Market near airport for corn and bananas - Lunch & nap on recliners in South shade. Trimmed deadwood and small trees over cliff south side. Wes moved big stone that area and made second compost bin - moving present compost to new bin. Put big fan on in evening to cool house