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July 14

1978 - Friday - 60° at 5:45. Cloudy. 5 ducks. To 7:30 Mass. Golf 8:30-11:00 - slow but good game. Joined Jay Latanzi & nephew Jimmy at 7th hole.
Deadheaded - cultivate veg garden - picked lettuce broccoli and strawberries - first zucchini.
Put a net over older blueberry bushes.
We picked up #1 Lawnboy from Nutmeg. Cut across bridge with Jackson. Rain started 5 pm. Made blueberry muffins.

1979 - Saturday - 60° at 6 AM. Very foggy in early morning - later sunny, hot and humid Miserable weather - need rain - everything limp and burned out. To Mass. Visited Gizela's garden afterward - groundhog had been in her vegetables - she worried about tour on 28th. To town - Wes cut out maple in back at Ballard Garden - I watered trees and deadheaded. Bought corn liquor groceries. Did garden chores in afternoon - watering - throwing out lettuce, etc

1980 - Monday - 50° at 6 AM. Fair - cool night Hot and humid. Played golf 8 - 10 - watered perennial garden and the vegetables. Picked blueberries squash cucumbers, peas (lots) ans strawberries. Cut around veg garden. Wes cultivated (spaded up) the outside melons. We cut all lawns - Jacobsen [[strikethrough]] belt [[/strikethrough]] chain dropped off - he fixed it. Mallard and light little ones appeared on pond - Mother later ate corn - bedded down on front pond bank at night.

1981 - Tuesday - 69° at 5:45. Fair - nice breeze - cool at night. Prepared for Cornells Mary F and Mary Sells who came at 11:30 - nice visit - went to Bogus. Mike had taped the upstairs sheet rock. The furnace was in - the siding completed.
After guests left, we cleaned up - read papers - made lists of chores.

1982 - Wednesday - 62° at 6 AM - Hazy - Had good sleep last night - Mostly overcast all day luckily as very warm and humid when sun came out. To Golf Course at 8 pm - so many lined up we played back nine - took 30 minutes more - Nan Morris delivered Cancer Survey Questionnaire. Took down one pea fence to make room for beans. Transplanted lettuce. Wes moved stones on West end of perennial garden - extended it a bit and leveled it - reset one Aruncus.

July 15

1978 - Saturday - 60° at 6 AM - Raining - To Mass at 9 AM 1.6 inches in rain gauge - final at noon 1.85 in.
Caught up on desk work in morning - did two washes - ironed. Read papers.To Meekers for green cards - flower pots for "Challenge" chrysanthemums. To Bethel to shop - unfortunately Agway closed at noon so no salt hay. Late afternoon deadheaded, picked lettuce - veg garden very wet. Caught #15 chipmunk.

1979 - Sunday - 72° at 5:45 - cloudy. A warm night. Very warm, humid day - looked like rain but none.
To 8 o'clock Mass. Worked in vegetable garden - planted cabbage plants Terry gave us. Rabbit got in after lunch - ate some lettuce - put boards against front fence - Wes picked and watered blueberries. Cultivated staked and deadheaded perennial garden. Took off storm windows front of house and put on screens.

1980 - Tuesday - 56° at 6 AM. Hot & humid. To Mass
Mama Mallard and little ones didn't show up.
Joe Keller here - did trimming  and other chores.
I drove Lucille Hansheer to Bethel to show her shops. Bought pillow at Booklet to get box for Buttercup china to give Jule. Wes trimmed deadwood out of wild bushes across big bridge. Moved dirt from truck turn around. Cultivated perennial garden - watered

1981 - Wednesday - 60° at 5:45. Beautiful day - not humid - warm sun - nice breeze Worked around place - dead heading - watering - Wes dredged pond - I cut dead limb from apple tree and big maple - trimmed bush over big bridge. Shopped Bsics drug store - Agway for corn. Visited Bogus - Mike was taping sheet rock.

1982 - Thursday - 63° at 6 AM. Foggy - Hot day.
Fresh daylily (Mandarin) out at back step - two of them - one of "246" in perennial also. To Mass. Wes made maps for Cornells & Mary Sells - paid bills. I vacuumed & cleaned kitchen floor. Golf 11 - 1:30 - lots of people - wore hats as warm in sun. Wes shopped Basics after lunch & nap while I watered. To Billie's at 4:30 for a refreshing swim - lots of cars leaving Union Carbide - cut grass on return - I picked broccoli - peas - tomatoes - 10 strawberries for breakfast.