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July 18

1978 - Tuesday - 62° at 7 AM. 27 Mallards. Sunny - warm day - 25 Mallards

Wes spent morning trimming limbs from fallen tree near veg garden. I watered & fed potted plants inside and out. Played golf 1:30-3:15 - lots of kids playing. Cut lawn. To Ruth Sharp at 5:15 for swim and drink and farewell to Dan Machlin who is moving to Kennebunkport tomorrow.

1979 - Wednesday - 65° at 6 AM. Rain - light - in night - .25 inch - during light shower in day .10 inch glad to have it. Made spillway at dam, using flat slate - little fish were getting trapped in round stones and willow leaves. Wes moved road stone and raked it - did 200 feet. I deadheaded and trimmed birch at retirement garden - arrow wood over dam - pin oak at living-room.

Had permanent after shopping - hardware - Stop & Shop - made copies at library (Garden Club) Rosses stopped by in afternoon 

1980 - Friday - 60° at 6 AM - Hot and humid - Dry Played golf 8 - 10:30 - slow - lots of people waiting at 8 o'clock. To Ridgefield to shop Brunetti - Stop & Shop - Cheese shop - liquor. Home  for lunch & nap. I cooked for tomorrow's dinner - Wes had hour in shop, then helped. He has a chest cold. Too hot to pick vegetables until late afternoon.

1981 - Saturday - 59° at 6 AM. Hazy - mostly sunny hot day - few drops of rain at six o'clock. Deadheaded. Mr & Mrs Nero looked at refrigerator - will buy. Tied up asparagus. - Weeded onions & picked vegetables. Wes dredged pond again. I cultivated gardens. To Bogies to water - sheetrock work almost finished "Big Foot" the bulldozer returned

1982 - Sunday - 76° at 6 AM - Sun a red ball Very hot and humid - high here 95°. To 8 o'clock Mass. Kelly phoned from Fall River - coming down from Cape and was here at 2 pm - had walk around and lunch. Then she left for Eileen's. We picked up Tracys at 6:15 and went to Ada Franken's - Asclepias in full bloom - Bobbie & Tom Longmire and David and Flo      , former Asst Pastor at St. Stephen's there.

July 19

1978 - Wednesday - 62° at 7 AM - Sunny - 35 mallards Wes picked up saw from Nutmeg & went to bank. I took broccoli to Millicent Sattler - coverup to Helen Ross - they were going to Jersey shore to visit Wendy - but they had already gone. Left for Falls view, Ellenville at 10 o'clock - lunch at coffee shop there - Room 130 - played golf - had a swim - drink and dinner. Very warm and humid

1979 - Thursday - 60° at 6 AM - Foggy. 20 Mallards. Lots of fighting. Warm, sunny day. Played golf 8-10 AM. Good fast game. Wes had hair cut - went to Ace - left my shoes for repair (beige). Pat here to clean. I deadheaded - cultivated Watered vegetables - transplanted lettuce - threw out more broccoli - winter squash becoming enormous. Picked peas and strawberries. Wes spread more stones on back road.

1980 - Saturday - 60° at 5:45 - Hazy - hot - humid  No rain. Everything burned. 

Prepared for guests - picked huge amount of all vegetables and gallon of blueberries. 

Jule here at 4:30 - Castles, Heines & Vargas at 5:15 - Just before I dropped glass casserole of chicken breast on kitchen floor. Luckily had smaller casserole in freezer. Pleasant evening. Gave Jule Buttercup Spode china.

1981 - Sunday  - Second Party Day. 60°. Foggy Partly sunny. hot. humid - not too bad in late afternoon. After Mass - deadheaded - fixed up Terrace. Polly and Irene here at 3:30 - guests about 5:30. Airshow at Danbury about over - didn't bother us. 22 people including us. Good party - lots of ducks and birds Kellers (4) Father Tighe - Menols - Morrisons - Billie Newell & Grace Schaefer, Mary Luke - Wellmans - Molly Ketcham, Eliz Hull, McDaniels, Rosses

1982 - Monday - 75° at 6 AM. Hot - humid day - Maybe not as bad as yesterday - Heard thunder in afternoon but only 5 drops here - too bad. Golf 8-10 - lots of people out. Wes continued making the wall on South side - raked water line grading to get fill for back of wall. I picked beans cucumbers & peas - cultivated and watered everything Had lunch on recliners and took a nap there.