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July 20

1978 - Thursday - At Falls view - Warm & humid
Breakfast at 8:30 - Golf 9:30 - 11:30 - lunch at one - left about 2:15 - good trip home - here at 4 pm
Not as dry here as in Catskills - plants all okay
Few Mallards waiting for corn. Picked strawberries and broccoli and quash. Threw out 4 lettuce. Lots of daylilies now blooming.

1979 - Friday - 54° at 6 AM- Hazy - Cool - became warm and humid - cloudy at evening - more bad weather - very dry. To Mass. Joe here to work - I dropped Wes at Dlhy Ridge - he played 9 holes with John Hartcorn. I went to Joan Minot's for 10 o'clock meeting Program Committee then home to change - picked up Helen and on to Virginia Everett's for lunch - home at 4 pm. Wes took Joe home. Sally [[? Martenich]] took flowers for church. Early to bed.

1980 - Sunday. Hazy - hot - humid - Jule left 7:30 - We went to 8 o'clock Mass. Deadheaded - did wash - early lunch. To Fairfield General Electric Gallery Watercolor Artists show. Returned via Redding Ridge area Bethel. Wes cut all grass. I watered and picked in veg garden. Lame white duck walking a little better - we feed her on bank. N Y C hit 101°

1981 - Monday - 67° at 6:30 - Oozing - hope for rain - started lightly, about mid-morning - very light rest of day. Relaxing day after party. Deadheaded while Wes had shop hour. Ziegler picked up livingroom and hall rugs. Will cut the beige rug for new bedroom. I looked at paint on ceiling of Hartcorn's house - went for a haircut - saw Ada Franken's Euclepias - beautiful
Packed kitchen copper and trivets for sale. At Bogus ditch was filled in & grading started. Mary F. left for Seattle.

1982 - Tuesday - 72° at 6 AM. Sun coming up but it looks cloudy. To Mass - Rain started at 8 o'clock - thunderstorms - total at noon almost an inch - Hurray. Shopped for stamps - Brunetti for meat - left papers and bottles at Reclamation Center - liquor - cleaner and Stop & Shop. Martini at lunch to celebrate rain. After nap to Danbury - Wes' waterpik and razor repaired - Stopped at Sears to order cover for grill and make a date for tank indicator repair - shopped Basics. Home for shop hour for Wes - I made a chocolate pie for the freezer.

July 21

1978 - Friday - 64° at 6 AM - partly cloudy.
8 Mallards for corn - many more before breakfast over. Very hot and humid day. To 7:30 Mass. Deadheaded flowers. To Memorial Garden - worked 1 1/2 hours - Billie came at end of time. Shopped for groceries & liquor Bought gas. Home for lunch  - Wes had picked a gallon of blueberries, He cut below barn and at West End. To Billie's for swim at 3:30 - Louise McKeon there. Put fan in bedroom.

1979 - Saturday - 60° at 5:30 cloudy - cleared later and warm and humid still - no rain - big lawn burned out. Wes in shop for hour - I wrote letters to sisters. We picked gallon and a half blueberries and watered them. I transplanted lettuce (had time to do it) watered vegetables. We pulled up peas - took down pea fence. Added all rest of compost to that spot. Left "cutting" notes at [[?]] Hull, Molly Ketcham, Helene Merrick - bought supplies at Pinchbeck - picked up beige shoes from shoemaker - MQ & Jule for dinner at 5:30.

1980 - Monday - Hazy - hot - humid. Bad weather continues. Warm night - used fan but we slept well. Played golf 8-9:45. Wes went to Agway for corn and sunflower seed. I deadheaded and watered. Indoors noon to 3 o'clock as very hot - 94° here - 102 N Y C
To Billie Newell's for swim at 4:30. Terry Keller picked up Longwood booklets. Storm at 10 pm, thank God. Saw Mama Duck and 7 chicks just before dark.

1981 - Friday - 72° at 6:15. Cloudy. 6/10 inch in rain gauge for yesterday. 27 Mallards. To Mass
Deadheaded - Shop hour. Picked huge amount of vegetables - Ricky took a lot - gave some to Gizela and beans to Mike. Cut grass - Jacobsen's chain kept coming off at end so Wes didn't finish across little bridge. We dug up white Japanese Iris at inlet and dug Tradescantia - didn't plant them at Bogus as thunderstorm started. Eileen burgled again.

1982 - Wednesday - 56° at 6 AM. Beautiful day - just perfect - everything refreshed from rain - cool in evening - nice breeze. Golf 8-10:30 - lots of players. Wes almost finished wall - needs big flat stone for top. Brought down topsoil for back of wall. Took down last pea fence - put more stakes against tomatoes - Transplanted lettuce into pea space. Cut grass. Fixed area around big stone off deck and planted there the wild flower (garden phlox?) Gizela gave us. Watched missed Pride & Prejudice program at 1:30 - Good.